
how to copy string a string to another one in mips assemply language

我一直在尝试将一个字符串复制到另一个字符串,但找不到方法,有人可以帮忙吗? 这是问题: 编写一个程序,使用过程调用将字符串 S 复制到 T。假设字符串以 null 结尾。



str1: .asciiz "My Name is Suliman." # Store initial string
str2: .space 128            # Allocate memory space for the new string


la $s0, str1            # Load address of first character
la $s1, str2            # Load the address of second string

    lbu  $t2, 0($s0)        # Load the first byte of $s0 (str1) into $t2

sb   $t2, 0($s1)        # Save the value in $t2 at the same byte in $s1 (str2)

addi $s0, $s0, 1        # Increment both memory locations by 1 byte
addi $s1, $s1, 1
bne  $t2, $zero, loop   # Check if at the zero delimiter character, if so jump to 

j done
li $v0, 4
la $a0, str2
syscall                 # Print the copied string to the console

li $v0, 10              # Program end syscall

我在这里也有一些评论来解释我在做什么,我只是用了 128 个字节来留出一些余量,我也打印了复制的字符串


    str1: .asciiz "My Name is Suliman." # Store initial string
    str2: .space 128            # Allocate memory space for the new string


    la $t0, str1            # Load address of first character
    la $t1, str2            # Load the address of second string

loop:                      # do {
    lbu  $t2, 0($t0)        # Load the first byte of $t0 (str1) into $t2

    sb   $t2, 0($t1)        # Save the value in $t2 at the same byte in $t1 (str2)

    addi $t0, $t0, 1        # Increment both pointers by 1 byte
    addi $t1, $t1, 1
    bne  $t2, $zero, loop  # }while(c != 0)

#    j done        # execution falls through to the next instruction by itself
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, str2
    syscall                 # Print the copied string to the console

    li $v0, 10              # Program end syscall