
Align items in a panel to the top swing

我正在尝试将一些项目动态添加到 jpanel。我使用 gridbaglayout 作为这个 jpanel 的管理器(下面是红色背景),我想将面板及其项目垂直对齐到顶部。知道如何使此面板位于面板顶部吗?


public class WebcamFrame extends JFrame implements Runnable {
    private Webcam webcam;
    private WebcamPanel webcamPanel;
    private JLabel labelText;
    private JPanel actionsPanel;
    private boolean running;
    private HashSet<String> cardsPlayed;
    private final JPanel actionsContainer;
    private final JPanel buttonsPanel;
    private final GridBagConstraints constraints;

    public WebcamFrame( Callback killWebcam, Callback handleSubmit ) {
        running = true;
        setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
        setTitle( "Scan a card" );
        setIconImage( new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/tslogo.png")).getImage() );
        setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE );
        addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) {
                super.windowClosing( e );
        } );
        cardsPlayed = new HashSet<>();
        Dimension size = WebcamResolution.QVGA.getSize();
        webcam = Webcam.getDefault();
        webcam.setViewSize( size );
        webcamPanel = new WebcamPanel( webcam );
        webcamPanel.setPreferredSize( size );
        webcamPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
        labelText = new JLabel( "", SwingConstants.CENTER );
        if( Webcam.getDefault() == null ) labelText.setText( "No Webcam detected" );
        actionsContainer = new JPanel( new BorderLayout() );
        JButton confirmButton = new JButton( "Confirm Selection" );
        confirmButton.addActionListener( e -> {
            List<CardDataModel> cardsToSubmit = new ArrayList<>();
            cardsPlayed.forEach( cardName -> {
                CardDataModel card = new CardDataModel();
                card.cardName = cardName;
                cardsToSubmit.add( card );
            } );
            handleSubmit.call( cardsToSubmit );
        } );
        JButton clearButton = new JButton( "Clear Selection" );
        buttonsPanel = new JPanel();
        buttonsPanel.add( confirmButton );
        buttonsPanel.add( clearButton );
        buttonsPanel.setVisible( false );
        constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
        clearButton.addActionListener( e -> { 
            constraints.gridy = 0;
            actionsPanel.add( new JLabel( "Played Cards"), constraints );
            actionsContainer.setVisible( false );
            buttonsPanel.setVisible( false );
            labelText.setVisible( false );
            constraints.gridy = 0;
        } );
        JPanel subPanel = new JPanel();
        subPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
        subPanel.add( labelText, BorderLayout.NORTH );
        subPanel.add( buttonsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
        webcamPanel.add( subPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
        actionsPanel = new JPanel( new GridBagLayout() ); 
        constraints.gridy = 0;
        constraints.insets = new Insets( 0, 0, 5, 0 );
        actionsPanel.add( new JLabel( "Played Cards"), constraints );
        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( actionsPanel );
        actionsContainer.add( scrollPane, BorderLayout.NORTH );
        actionsContainer.setVisible( false );
        add( webcamPanel );
        add( actionsContainer );
        setLocationRelativeTo( null );
        setVisible( false );
        setResizable( false );

    public void run() {
        do {
            try {
                Thread.sleep( 100 );
            } catch( InterruptedException e ) {
            Result result = null;
            BufferedImage image;
            // Only try to read qr code if webcam is open and frame is webCamFrame is visible
            if( webcam.isOpen() && isVisible() ) {
                if( (image = webcam.getImage()) == null ) {
                LuminanceSource source = new BufferedImageLuminanceSource( image );
                BinaryBitmap bitmap = new BinaryBitmap( new HybridBinarizer(source) );
                try {
                    result = new MultiFormatReader().decode( bitmap );
                } catch( NotFoundException e ) {
                    // fall through if there is no QR code in image
            if( result != null ) {
                String cardName = result.getText();
                if( !cardsPlayed.contains( cardName ) ) {
                    labelText.setText( "Play card" + (cardsPlayed.size() > 0 ? "s" : "") + "?" );
                    cardsPlayed.add( cardName ); 
                    JPanel cardPlayedPanel = new JPanel( new GridLayout( 0, 1, 5, 5) );
                    cardPlayedPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(new LineBorder(Color.BLACK), new EmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2)) );
                    cardPlayedPanel.setOpaque( true );
                    cardPlayedPanel.setBackground( Color.LIGHT_GRAY );
                    cardPlayedPanel.add( new JLabel(cardName) );
                    actionsPanel.add(cardPlayedPanel, constraints );
                    actionsContainer.setVisible( true );
                    buttonsPanel.setVisible( true );
        } while( running );


I want to vertically align the panel along with its items to the top.

阅读 How to Use GridBagLayout 上的 Swing 教程。




if anyone knows of a better way to solve this please post an answer!



I realised this issue occurs because my frame uses a flowlayout and the 2 components in the flowlayout are different heights

所以我上面的回答仍然有效。您将框架布局更改为也使用 GridBagLayout(而不是 FlowLayout)。然后将这两个子面板添加到框架中。您使用“锚点”约束将面板锚定到单元格的垂直顶部的每个面板。

或者,如果您真的想使用 BoxLayout 而不是 FlowLayout,那么当您将面板添加到 BoxLayout 时,您需要使用:


在每个面板上。这应该告诉每个面板对齐到顶部。不需要覆盖 getBaseLine() 方法。

通过我自己的实验,我意识到这个问题的发生是因为我的框架使用了流式布局,而流式布局中的 2 个组件高度不同。然后因为 flowlayouts 总是垂直居中我的问题发生了。我从这里用一些骇人听闻的代码解决了这个问题: 但是,如果有人知道解决此问题的更好方法,请 post 回答! :)