
Accessing datamembers of template types

我有几个 POD 结构,它们都有一个共同的数据字段 uint32_t gID

struct component1
   uint32_t ID;
   //Other data

struct component2
   uint32_t ID;
   //Other data

struct component3
   uint32_t ID;
   //Other data

我会用工厂管理 POD 结构 class。

template <class Component>
class ComponentFactory
    //Activating/Deactivating components
    array<Component, 65536> m_components;

现在,m_components 数组中的位置并不总是与组件 ID 相同。我如何为 ComponentFactory 编写函数以 return 某个索引处的组件 ID? 例如,

uint32_t ComponentFactory::getIDatIndex(uint16_t index) 
    //Grab the ID of whatever component the factory manages.
    return m_components[index].ID;

此外,是否可以使 ComponentFactory 类型安全,这样就不会有 ComponentFactory<int>ComponentFactory<char>


template <class Component>
uint32_t ComponentFactory<Component>::getIDatIndex(uint16_t index) 
    //Grab the ID of whatever component the factory manages.
    return m_components[index].ID;