Python 3.7 - 如何检查文件是否存在并重命名

Python 3.7 - How to check if file exists and rename



例如(不会是 .txt,仅以此为例,文件本质上是动态的):

我想将 file.txt 从文件夹 a 复制到文件夹 b。

file.txt 已存在于文件夹 b a 中。如果我试图将 file.txt 复制到文件夹 b,我会收到复制错误。

将 file.txt 重命名为 file_1.txt复制file_1.txt到文件夹b b。如果 file_1.txt 存在,则使其成为 file_2.txt


for filename in files:
    filename_only = os.path.basename(filename)
    src = path + "\" + filename
    failed_f = pathx + "\Failed\" + filename

# This is where I am lost, I am not sure how to declare the i and add _i + 1 into the code.
   if path.exists(file_path):
       numb = 1
       while True:
           new_path = "{0}_{2}{1}".format(*path.splitext(file_path) + (numb,))
           if path.exists(new_path):
               numb += 1
               shutil.copy(src, new_path)
               shutil.copy(src, new_path)
   shutil.copy(src, file_path)


import os
for filename in files:
    src = os.path.join(path, filename)
    i = 0
    while True:
        base = os.path.basename(src)
        name = base if i == 0 else "_{}".format(i).join(os.path.splitext(base))
        dst_path = os.path.join(dst, name)
        if not os.path.exists(dst_path):
            shutil.copy(src, dst_path)
        i += 1