MobX & React Native 功能组件:我们如何在 React Native 功能组件中实现 mobX?

MobX & React Native Functional Component : How can we implement mobX in React Native Functional Component?


import { observable, computed } from "mobx";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import React from "react";
import { SafeAreaView, Text, TextInput, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
class Shop extends React.Component {
    @observable price = 9;
    @observable quantity = 11;
    @computed get total() {
            return this.price * this.quantity;
    render() {
        return (
            <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
                <Text>Price: </Text>
                <TextInput value={this.price} onChangeText={value => { this.price = value }} />
                <Text>Quantity: </Text>
                <TextInput value={this.quantity} onChangeText={value => { this.quantity = value }} />
                <Text>Total (Price and Quantity): {}</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',

可悲的是,我在网上找到的大多数关于 React Native 中的 MobX 的示例都用于 Class 组件。



这里有一些关于如何在功能组件中使用它的想法。 (注意,我没有测试过代码,但这是给你指明方向的)

1.为Shop Store创建一个class,应该是这样的。

import { observable, computed, action } from "mobx";

export class ShopStore {

    @observable price;
    @observable quantity;
    constructor (value) { = 9;
        this.quantity = 11;

    @computed get total() {
        return this.price * this.quantity;

    // Use @action to modify state value
    @action setPrice = (price) => {
        this.price = price;

    // Use @action to modify state value
    @action setQuantity = (quantity) => {
        this.quantity = quantity;

2。在 App.js

中初始化 Mobx 商店
import React from 'react';
import { ShopStore } from './src/mobx/store';
import ShopComponent from "./src/components/ShopComponent";
function App() {
    const store = new ShopStore()
    return (
        <ShopComponent store={store}/>
export default App;

3。将 mobx 观察器连接到功能组件

import { observable, computed } from "mobx";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import React from "react";
import { SafeAreaView, Text, TextInput, StyleSheet } from "react-native";

function ShopComponent(props) {

    const { setPrice, setQuantity } =

        <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
            <Text>Price: </Text>
            <TextInput value={} onChangeText={value => { setPrice(value) }} />
            <Text>Quantity: </Text>
            <TextInput value={} onChangeText={value => { setQuantity(value) }} />
            <Text>Total (Price and Quantity): { }</Text>
export default observer(ShopComponent);

您可以使用没有装饰器的解决方案,您可以使用 useLocalObservable 挂钩创建本地组件状态:

const Shop = observer(() => {
  const state = useLocalObservable(() => ({
    price: 9,
    setPrice(price) {
      state.price = price;

    quantity: 11,
    setQuantity(quantity) {
      state.quantity = quantity;

    get total() {
      return state.price * state.quantity;

  return (
    <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
      <Text>Price: </Text>
      <TextInput value={state.price} onChangeText={state.setPrice} />
      <Text>Quantity: </Text>
      <TextInput value={this.quantity} onChangeText={state.setQuantity} />
      <Text>Total (Price and Quantity): {}</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: "center",
    alignItems: "center",