需要使用 C# 在现有 XML 文件下添加新项目

Need to add new items under the existing XML file using C#

我需要使用 C# 在现有文件中添加新项目,请提供使用 C# 执行此操作的最佳逻辑。 下面是我的XML文件(输入)=

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FileSetting xmlns="http://ltsc.ieee.org/xsd/LOM" xmlns:xs="http://www.M1.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <File Section="Section 1" Method="Complete" Location="Total 1">
            <Profile Method="DataCollection" Item="All" />
      <!--  <File Section="Section 2" Method="Complete" Location="Total 2">
      <Profile Method= "DataCollection" Item="All"/>
  </File> -->
      <File Section="Section 3" Method="Complete" Location="Main">
            <Profile Method="DataCollection" Item="All" />

在我现有的 XML 文件中,我想在文件下添加新的文件项,所以 我期望输出为=

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FileSetting xmlns="http://ltsc.ieee.org/xsd/LOM" xmlns:xs="http://www.M1.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      <File Section="Section 1" Method="Complete" Location="Total 1">
            <Profile Method="DataCollection" Item="All" />
      <!--  <File Section="Section 2" Method="Complete" Location="Total 2">
      <Profile Method= "DataCollection" Item="All"/>
  </File> -->
      <File Section="Section 3" Method="Complete" Location="Main">
            <Profile Method="DataCollection" Item="All" />
      <File Section="Section 4" Method="NotComplete" Location="Test5">
            <Profile Method="DataCollecter" Item="Partial" />

谁能提供用 C# 实现的最佳逻辑?


使用xml linq :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);
            XNamespace ns = doc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();

            XElement files = doc.Descendants(ns + "Files").FirstOrDefault();

            XElement newFile = new XElement(ns + "File", new object[] {
                new XAttribute("Section", "Section 4"),
                new XAttribute("Method", "NotComplete"),
                new XAttribute("Location", "Test5"),
                new XElement(ns + "Columns", new object[] {
                    new XElement("Profile", new object[] {
                        new XAttribute("Method", "DataCollecter"),
                        new XAttribute("Item", "Partial")
