Hibernate 无法延迟初始化 collection 角色无法初始化代理 - 否 Session

Hibernate failed to lazily initialize a collection of role could not initialize proxy - no Session


@Table(name = "module")
public class Module extends ReservationOption{

    private String name;

    private int credits;

    private int weeks;

    @Column(name = "no_of_lectures")
    private int noOfLectures;

    @Column(name ="no_of_practicals")
    private int noOfPracticals;

    @Column(name = "lecture_length")
    private int lectureLength;

    @Column(name = "practical_length")
    private int practicalLength;

    @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
            name = "takes",
            joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "moduleID"),
            inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "studentID")
    private Set<Student> students = new HashSet<>();

    public void addTakes(Student student){
        IDatabase db = Database.getInstance();
        if(!db.checkInTable(Student.class, student.getId())) db.add(student);
@Table(name = "student")
public class Student extends Person{

     * Constructor for Student class, allows for object creation
     * @param id From Person
     * @param firstName From Person
     * @param lastName From Person
    public Student(String id, String firstName, String lastName) {
        super(id, firstName, lastName);

     * Blank constructor to allow for database interfacing
    public Student(){

    @ManyToMany(mappedBy = "students", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Set<Module> modules = new HashSet<>();

    public Set<Module> getModules() {
        return modules;

    public void setModules(Set<Module> modules) {
        this.modules = modules;


在线Hibernate.initialize(学生)抛出错误;或者在下一行,如果不存在,在学生集中,标题中有错误。任何帮助(不仅仅是将获取类型设置为 Eager)将不胜感激。


  1. 对映射关系调用方法
  2. 在 JPQL 中获取连接
  3. 在条件中获取连接 API
  4. 命名实体图
  5. 动态实体图

详情请阅读: https://thorben-janssen.com/5-ways-to-initialize-lazy-relations-and-when-to-use-them/


“无会话”错误通常意味着您正在尝试调用 Hibernate 行为(即初始化,或只是访问一个惰性变量),但没有 Transaction/Session 资源启动以使其在其中运行。

通常当我过去发生这种情况时,是因为它是普通的 java 代码,要么没有适当地设置 Hibernate(因此,不存在可以固定的 Session),要么我设置了启动 Hibernate,但代码找到的路径从未命中 @Transactional 注释,因此没有设置会话。