cv2.rectangle() 的多个边界框

Multiple bounding-boxes with cv2.rectangle()


            {'giraffe': [{'conf': 0.9869,
               'coords': {'center_x': 0.360333,
                'center_y': 0.532274,
                'height': 0.596343,
                'width': 0.144651}},
              {'conf': 0.253321,
               'coords': {'center_x': 0.016296,
                'center_y': 0.565007,
                'height': 0.580526,
                'width': 0.03498}}],
             'zebra': [{'conf': 0.998863,
               'coords': {'center_x': 0.545974,
                'center_y': 0.693267,
                'height': 0.301859,
                'width': 0.257102}}]})

我想遍历数据结构 (img_obj_data) 并根据 object_class.




import cv2

img = cv2.imread(img_path)
img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2]

for obj_class in img_obj_data.keys():
    for sub_dict in img_obj_data[obj_class]:
        x, y, w, h = sub_dict['coords'].values()
        # coords cannot be floats
        x = int(x*img_w)
        y = int(y*img_h)
        x_max = int(w*img_w)
        y_max = int(y*img_h)

        cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x_max, y_max), color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=2)
cv2.imwrite('/content/foobar.jpg', img)

我现在有 运行 2 个问题:

问题 1) 边界框未与对象正确对齐,并从图像中裁剪掉。 (坐标原本是浮点数,我用它们乘以图像的宽度和高度,但我有一种预感,这是错误的做法?)


我的代码目前为所有框着色相同。我该怎么做才能让每个对象的颜色都不同 class?


其中一个例子如下。 *如有必要,请根据您的环境切换hw

import cv2
from random import randint

img = cv2.imread(img_path)
img_h, img_w = img.shape[:2]
colors = {}

for obj_class in img_obj_data.keys():
    if obj_class not in colors:
        colors[obj_class] = [randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)]

    for sub_dict in img_obj_data[obj_class]:
        x, y, h, w = sub_dict['coords'].values()
        # coords cannot be floats
        x_min = int((x-w/2)*img_w)
        y_min = int((y-h/2)*img_h)
        x_max = int((x+w/2)*img_w)
        y_max = int((y+h/2)*img_h)
        cv2.rectangle(img, (x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max), color=colors[obj_class], thickness=2)
cv2.imwrite('/content/foobar.jpg', img)

此示例按 class 个名称随机更改颜色,但如果您知道 class 个名称,则可以提前定义 colors