如何在范围上使用指针或索引来解析 rangeValCopy gocritic 消息

How to use pointers or indexing on a range to resolve rangeValCopy gocritic message

当 运行 https://golangci-lint.run/:

rangeValCopy: each iteration copies 128 bytes (consider pointers or indexing) (gocritic)
    for _, v := range products {

这是我的代码的精简版 运行:

package main

import (

type Application struct {
    ProductData   []ProductDatum

type ProductDatum struct {
    Name          string
    ProductBrand  string
    ProductType   string

type Item struct {
    ProductBrand string
    ProductName  string
    ProductType  string

func main() {
    appl := Application{
        ProductData: []ProductDatum{
                Name:         "Baz",
                ProductBrand: "Foo",
                ProductType:  "Bar",

    products := appl.ProductData

    var orderLinesItem []Item

    for _, v := range products {
        item := []Item{
                ProductBrand: v.ProductBrand,
                ProductName:  v.Name,
                ProductType:  v.ProductType,

        orderLinesItem = append(orderLinesItem, item...)
    body, _ := json.Marshal(orderLinesItem)

这里是 go playground


linter 试图告诉您的是,通过按照您使用它的方式使用范围,每次您获得一个新元素时 v 它不会直接从集合中返回一个元素,而是它是该元素的新副本。 linter 建议两种方法: 要么将切片更改为指向结构的指针切片,这样 for 循环的每次迭代都会获得对元素的引用,而不是完整的结构副本

var products []*ProductDatum
//fill products slice

var orderLinesItem []Item

for _, v := range products{
  //here v is a pointer instead of a full copy of a struct. 
  //Go dereferences the pointer automatically therefore you don't have to use *v
  item := []Item{
                ProductBrand: v.ProductBrand,
                ProductName:  v.Name,
                ProductType:  v.ProductType,

linter 的另一个建议是在每次迭代时使用范围 returns 的索引值

for i := range products{
   item := []Item{
                //access elements by index directly
                ProductBrand: products[i].ProductBrand,
                ProductName:  products[i].Name,
                ProductType:  products[i].ProductType,