抛出 NoWhenBranchMatchedException 时如何才能详尽无遗?

How can an exhaustive when throw NoWhenBranchMatchedException?

我观察到带有详尽 when 语句的 LiveData,它怎么会在运行时抛出 NoWhenBranchMatchedException?编译时没有检查详尽性吗?

enum class MyEnum { Foo, Bar }

liveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { enumInstance ->
  val instance: MyEnum = when (enumInstance) {
    is Foo -> {}
    is Bar -> {}


因为 LiveData 是一个写在 Java 中的 API,并且在 Java 中任何类型都可以为 null,所以 Kotlin 的 null-safety 在编译时没有强制执行。 IntelliJ IDE 使用 ! 后缀引用这些类型:

T! means "T or T?" (source)

enumInstance 可能是 null,但 Kotlin 不会对其进行任何空检查,因为 Observer 是一个 Java 接口。这就是为什么 when 语句仍然被编译器认为是详尽的,即使它不是。将示例中的 LiveData 的值设置为 null 将导致在运行时抛出 NoWhenBranchMatchedException

liveData.value = Foo // Perfectly safe at runtime
liveData.value = null // NOT safe at runtime
liveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { enumInstance ->
  // enumInstance is "MyEnum!" (nullability unknown to Kotlin)
  val instance = when (enumInstance) {
    is Foo -> {}
    is Bar -> {}

Any reference in Java may be null, which makes Kotlin's requirements of strict null-safety impractical for objects coming from Java. Types of Java declarations are treated in Kotlin in a specific manner and called platform types. Null-checks are relaxed for such types, so that safety guarantees for them are the same as in Java [...] (source)



如果它来自 Java,则检查是否为 null 或假定它随时可以为 null。使类型对 Kotlin 明确。


val unknownNullability = javaApi.getString() // "String!"
unknownNullability.split(',') // Runtime error


val knownToBeNullable: String? = javaApi.getString()
knownToBeNullable.split(',') // Compile-time error


liveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { enumInstance: MyEnum? ->
  // Now I know I may receive null
  // This will fail at compile-time:
  when (enumInstance) {
    is Foo -> {}
    is Bar -> {}
    // null case is required now


您可以简单地避免将 nullLiveData 一起使用(以及其他具有 Java 互操作的地方)。除非你 post 否则观察者不会收到 null。

liveData.value = Foo
liveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { enumInstance ->
  // I'm sure I won't receive null

但是,代码不断变化。即使您今天的代码从未 post null,它可能有一天会 post 它,并且使用这种方法,任何可空性错误只会在运行时出现。