如何修改 Rust 闭包捕获的变量?

How can I modify a variable captured by a Rust closure?

我正在尝试为 Rust 应用程序制作一个 GUI,看起来它对我来说效果很好 imgui-rs. All I want to be able to do is get some input values from the user, and output a changing png. I had some trouble getting the boilerplate started, but the provided repository has support code 它对我来说效果很好,足以让 hello world 演示正常工作,但是当我尝试修改它以获取输入并更改显示,我 运行 陷入所有权问题。我现在要做的是让用户输入图像名称,然后打开该文件并在 GUI 中显示它。


struct State {
    path: ImString,
    has_image: bool,
impl Default for State {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            path: ImString::with_capacity(128),
            has_image: false,
fn main() {
    let mut system = imgui_support::init(file!()); // this is from support code
    let mut state = State::default();

    system.main_loop(move |_, ui| {
        Window::new(im_str!("hello world"))
            .size([330.0, 110.0], imgui::Condition::FirstUseEver)
            .position([0f32, 0f32], imgui::Condition::FirstUseEver)
            .build(ui, || {
                ui.input_text(im_str!("File path"), &mut state.path).build();
                if ui.small_button(im_str!("Submit file")) {
                    system.add_img(state.path.to_str()); // try to open file and parse as texture
        if state.has_image {
                .size([720f32, 720f32], imgui::Condition::FirstUseEver)
                .build(ui, || {
                    imgui::Image::new(TextureId::new(0), [720f32, 720f32]).build(ui);

我作为方法添加到 System 结构上的 add_img 函数定义为:

    pub fn add_img(&mut self, path: &str) -> TextureId {
        let textures: &mut Textures<Texture> = &mut self.renderer.textures();
        let res_img = image::open(path);
        match res_img {
            Ok(image) => {
                let image = image.to_rgba8();
                let dimensions = image.dimensions();
                let texture = RawImage2d::from_raw_rgba(image.into_raw(), dimensions);
                let gl_texture = Texture2d::new(self.display.get_context(), texture).unwrap();
                let texture = imgui_glium_renderer::Texture {
                    texture: Rc::new(gl_texture),
                    sampler: SamplerBehavior {
                        magnify_filter: MagnifySamplerFilter::Linear,
                        minify_filter: MinifySamplerFilter::Linear,
            Err(_) => TextureId::new(usize::MAX),

现在,我收到错误 use of moved value system,无论我如何尝试 ar运行ge 数据,我似乎都无法避免移动后使用错误。

是否有更好的方法来组织我的代码,或者可能是不那么健壮的 Rust GUI 库,因为我不需要 99% 的 imgui 功能?

问题是,方法 main_loop 取得了 system 的所有权。之后系统将永远无法供您使用。

一个快速修复方法是更新方法 main_loop 以将 rendererdisplay 传递给闭包。 像这样:

pub fn main_loop<F>(self, mut run_ui: F)
where F: FnMut(&mut bool, &mut Ui, &mut Renderer, &mut glium::Display) + 'static {}

然后在调用 run_ui 时只需添加渲染器和显示。

run_ui(&mut run, &mut ui, &mut renderer, &mut display);


pub fn add_img(path: &str, renderer: &mut Renderer, display: &mut glium::Display) -> TextureId {}