在 ODE 系统中为条件初始值添加一个 if then 语句;求解

Adding an if then statement to condition initial value in ODE system; deSolve

我正在尝试添加一个 if then 语句来调节我的状态变量之一的初始值,并且我正在使用 deSolve。本质上,我想在模拟开始后引入第 3 个 ODE(在本例中是第 3 个物种)。


Antia_3sp_Model <- function(t,y,p1){
  # Parms
  ri <- p1[1]; rj <- p1[2]; k <- p1[3]; p <- p1[4]; o <- p1[5] 
  # State vars
  Pi <- y[1]; Pj <- y[2]; I <- y[3]
  # ODEs
  dPi = ri*Pi - k*Pi*I
  dPj = rj*Pj - k*Pj*I
  dI = p*I*(Pi/(Pi + o) + Pj/(Pj + o))
# Parm vals
ri <- 0.3; rj <- 0.2; k <- 0.001; p <- 1; o <- 1000 # Note that r can range btw 0.1 and 10 in this model
parms <- c(ri,rj,k,p,o)
# Inits
Pi0 <- 1; Pj0 <- 1; I0 <- 1
N0 <- c(Pi0,Pj0,I0)
# Time pt. sol'ns
TT <- seq(0.1,200,0.1)
# Sim
results <- lsoda(N0,TT,Antia_3sp_Model,parms,verbose = TRUE)

这是我到目前为止所拥有的,在尝试添加 if then 语句之后,说在时间 = 50 之前,第三个状态变量的初始值将为 0,并且在时间 = 50 或以上,第三个状态变量的初始值为 1.

Antia_3sp_Model <- function(t,y,p1){
  # Parms
  ri <- p1[1]; rj <- p1[2]; k <- p1[3]; p <- p1[4]; o <- p1[5] 
  # State vars
  Pi <- y[1]; Pj <- y[2]; I <- y[3]
  if (t[i] < t[50]){
    Pj0 = 0
  else if (t[i] >= t[50]){
    Pj0 = 1
  # ODEs
  dPi = ri*Pi - k*Pi*I
  dPj = rj*Pj - k*Pj*I 
  dI = p*I*(Pi/(Pi + o) + Pj/(Pj + o))
# Parm vals
ri <- 0.3; rj <- 0.2; k <- 0.001; p <- 1; o <- 1000 # Note that r can range btw 0.1 and 10 in this model
parms <- c(ri,rj,k,p,o)
# Inits
Pi0 <- 1; Pj0 <- 1; I0 <- 1
N0 <- c(Pi0,Pj0,I0)
# Time pt. sol'ns
TT <- seq(0.1,200,0.1)
# Sim
results <- lsoda(N0,TT,Antia_3sp_Model,parms,verbose = TRUE)


如果我需要添加任何其他信息,请告诉我,非常感谢您的阅读! :)

对我来说,对于 t >= 50 的“第三个状态变量的初始值”应该为 1 的语句的含义并不完全清楚。初始值定义了状态变量的开始,然后由微分方程演化。在下文中,我展示了以下方法:

  1. 状态变量 Pj 初始化t = 50 时的给定值。这可以通过 事件 .
  2. 来处理
  3. 状态变量 Pj 在 t >= 50 处接收额外的外部输入。这可以通过外部信号来处理,也称为 强制函数.


这里我将 t=50 时的“初始”状态值增加到 100,以使效果更加明显。时间向量的舍入 TT 是为了避免警告(如果您想知道为什么请询问)。


Antia_3sp_Model <- function(t, y, p1){
  # Parms
  ri <- p1[1]; rj <- p1[2]; k <- p1[3]; p <- p1[4]; o <- p1[5]
  # State vars
  Pi <- y[1]; Pj <- y[2]; I <- y[3]

  # ODEs
  dPi <- ri*Pi - k*Pi*I
  dPj <- rj*Pj - k*Pj*I
  dI <- p*I*(Pi/(Pi + o) + Pj/(Pj + o))
  list(c(dPi, dPj, dI))

parms <- c(ri = 0.3, rj = 0.2, k = 0.001, p = 1, o = 1000)
N0 <- c(Pi = 1, Pj = 1, I = 1)
TT <- round(seq(0.1, 200, 0.1), 1)

## An "initial value" is the value at the beginning. We call the value during
## simulation the "state". If it is meant that the state should be changed at
## a certain point of time, it can be done with an event

# tp: initial value at t=50 set to 100 to improve visibility of effect (was 1)
eventdat <- data.frame(var = "Pj", time = 50, value = 100, method = "rep")

results <- lsoda(N0, TT, Antia_3sp_Model, parms, events=list(data=eventdat), verbose = TRUE)
plot(results, mfcol=c(1, 3))

强制函数可用于实现依赖于时间的参数或连续向状态添加常数值。另请注意 ODE 模型的紧凑样式。是否使用 with 函数是个人喜好问题。两者各有利弊。


Antia_3sp_Model <- function(t, y, p, import){
  with(as.list(c(y, p)), {
    dPi <- ri*Pi - k*Pi*I
    dPj <- rj*Pj - k*Pj*I + import(t)
    dI <- p*I*(Pi/(Pi + o) + Pj/(Pj + o))
    list(c(dPi, dPj, dI))

signal <- approxfun(x=c(0, 50, max(TT)), y=c(0, 1, 1), method="constant", rule=2)

results <- lsoda(N0, TT, Antia_3sp_Model, parms, import=signal, verbose = TRUE)
plot(results, mfcol=c(1, 3))