计算数组中存在多少 "countdown" 个序列

Counting how many "countdown" sequences exists in array

我知道这听起来很简单,但我正在尝试获取数组中存在的“倒计时”序列的计数。例子: [1,2,3,2,5,4,3,0] - > 2 ([3,2] 和 [5,4,3]) 我只需要一点推动,拜托!



def count_finder(l):
    prev = l[0]
    counter = 0
    inCount = False

    for num in l[1:]:
        if num == prev-1:    #Checks if the previous was 1 greater than this one
            inCount = True   #       if it is then "inCount" is True

        elif num+1 != prev and inCount:  #Checks if your exiting a countdown
            inCount = False              
            counter += 1   #Increment Counter
        prev = num         #Change previous number to current number for next loop
    if inCount: counter+=1  #If the loop ends while in a count down increment counter
    return counter
print(count_finder([9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4]))