在 Traits 中初始化值

Initializing values in Traits

我有一个巨大的 class 想要打破许多特征。我的 class 的每个部分都有一组其他部分未使用的值。这些参数是从 属性 文件中读取的,有时会进行一些计算。我想让每个特征负责初始化自己的变量。我希望这些值对特性是私有的。不幸的是,特征没有构造函数(这是我真正想要的)。



class Foo( properties: Properties ) extends Bar with Baz

trait Bar {
 private val something

trait Baz {
 private val somethingElse

如何初始化 Bar.something 和 Baz.somethingElse 而不使它们抽象和非私有,或者添加 init() 方法并使它们成为变量?

谢谢 彼得


class Foo( val properties: Properties ) extends Bar with Baz

trait Bar {
  val properties: Properties
  private val something = properties.get("Something")

trait Baz {
  val properties: Properties
  private val somethingElse = properties.get("SomethingElse")


def readPropertyFile(s: String) = {
  println("Pretending to read " + s); 0

trait Bar {
  private val something = readPropertyFile("Bar.properties")

class Foo extends Bar {
  println("Hi, I am in class Foo")

scala> val foo = new Foo
Pretending to read Bar.properties
Hi, I am in class Foo
foo: Foo = Foo@27d8f985



trait A {
  val f: String
  val a = "I would have used " + f

trait B {
  val f: String
  val b = "I would have used " + f + " too!"

class C extends { val f = "the string" } with A with B

如果你把它扔到 REPL 中:

scala> List(c.a, c.b).map(println _)
I would have used the string
I would have used the string too!


class Foo( val propertyFile: String ) extends Bar with Baz with Zot

trait Bar extends Properties {
  private val something = getProperty("Something")

trait Baz extends Properties {
  private val somethingElse = getProperty("SomethingElse")

trait Zot extends Properties {
  private val somethingWeird = getProperty("Something") + getProperty("SomethingElse")

trait Properties {
  val propertyFile: String
  private val properties = readProperties(propertyFile)
  protected def getProperty(name: String) = properties.get(name)