在 FILES 中保存文件

Saving a file in FILES

我想通过单击操作 'Save File Up There',将生成的文本文件保存在 Acumatica 页面的 'FILES' 部分。这是我当前生成文本文件的代码:

    string[] lines = { fileLine1, fileLine2, fileLine3 };
    File.WriteAllLines(path, lines);



Batch Payments Screen


我会尝试像下面这样的东西,其中 'message' 是一个字符串。

                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                    stream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message), 0, message.Length);

                    string path = "MyFile.txt"; 
                    PX.SM.FileInfo info = new PX.SM.FileInfo(path, null, stream.ToArray());

                    //Attach file to Doc
                    info.Comment = "message generated on " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
                    UploadFileMaintenance upload = PXGraph.CreateInstance<UploadFileMaintenance>();

                    //Save file to acumatica
                    if (upload.SaveFile(info, FileExistsAction.CreateVersion))
                        //Create connection to the Batch
                        PXNoteAttribute.SetFileNotes(mysetup.connection.Cache, conn, info.UID.Value);
