如何使用 ReadFile 将文件读取到 NASM x86 程序集中的堆栈中?
How do I read a file with ReadFile onto the stack in NASM x86 assembly?
我用 OpenFile 打开了一个文件,并用 GetFileSize 得到了它的大小。我希望使用 ReadFile 并将堆栈用作它所需的缓冲区,并在堆栈上分配足够的空间,并使用从 GetFileSize 返回的文件大小。当我 运行 这个时,我没有输出。
extern GetStdHandle
extern GetModuleFileNameA
extern OpenFile
extern ReadFile
extern WriteFile
extern CloseHandle
extern GetFileSize
extern ExitProcess
import GetStdHandle kernel32.dll
import GetModuleFileNameA kernel32.dll
import OpenFile kernel32.dll
import ReadFile kernel32.dll
import WriteFile kernel32.dll
import CloseHandle kernel32.dll
import GetFileSize kernel32.dll
import ExitProcess kernel32.dll
global ..start
segment .code USE32
;Setting up the stack...
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
;Get standard output to console
push dword -11
call [GetStdHandle]
mov dword [hStdOut], eax
;Get filepath...
push dword filepath
push dword 0
call [GetModuleFileNameA]
;Outputting filepath
;Doesn't show up on the console but if you dump it to a file
;and edit it it is there...
;push dword 0
;push dword bytesRead
;push dword 128 ;Maximum path size for OpenFile...
;push dword filepath
;push dword [hStdOut]
;call [WriteFile]
;Opening the file and getting the handle...
push dword 0
push dword ofstruct
push dword filepath
mov dword [hSelfFile]
;Getting the file size...
push dword 0
push dword hSelfFile
call [GetFileSize]
mov dword [fSize], eax
;Allocating data on the stack...
sub esp, fSize
;Reading the file...
push dword 0
push dword bytesRead
push dword fSize
push dword ebp ;ebp or esp?
push dword [hSelfFile]
call [ReadFile]
;Outputting the read file...
push dword 0
push dword bytesRead
push dword fSize
push dword ebp ;ebp or esp?
push dword [hStdOut]
call [WriteFile]
;Closing the file handle...
push dword hSelfFile
call [CloseHandle]
;Cleaning up the stack...
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
xor eax, eax
push eax
call [ExitProcess]
segment .data
segment .bss
hStdOut resd 1
hSelfFile resd 1
bytesRead resd 1
ofstruct resb 136 ;The size in bytes of ofstruct
fSize resd 1
filepath resb 128 ;Maximum path OpenFile will allow
malloc?当 Windows 中有记忆函数时,您为什么要 link 到 C 库?
除了代码中的所有错误之外,您是否意识到您正在尝试打开一个可执行文件并将内容打印到控制台?你不能那样做(当然你可以,但你不会得到任何漂亮的东西)因为 exe 包含不可打印的字符,你会在屏幕上看到很多垃圾。
下面是一些示例代码,可以打开 exes 目录中的文本文件、获取大小、分配一些内存来保存文件、读取文件并将内容显示到控制台。
创建一个名为test.txt 的文本文件并将其保存在exe 目录中。您可以使用此测试所需的任何文本填充此文件。我选择使用培根 lorem ipsum 生成器,因为我喜欢培根 :-)
%define NULL 0
%define FILE_READ_DATA 1
section .bss
hConOut resd 1
lpBytesWritten resd 1
hSelfFile resd 1
hHeap resd 1
lpFileSize resd 1
hReadBuf resd 1
section .data
szTestFile db 'test.txt', 0
szCRLF db 13, 10
global Start
section .text
call GetProcessHeap ; get handle to apps heap
mov [hHeap], eax
push STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ; um, self explanitory
call GetStdHandle
mov [hConOut], eax
push NULL
push NULL
push NULL
push 0
push szTestFile
call CreateFileA ; Let's open the damn file
mov [hSelfFile], eax
push NULL
push eax
call GetFileSize ; well, get the size of file to read
add eax, 1
mov [lpFileSize], eax
push eax
push dword [hHeap]
call HeapAlloc ; now allocate some memory to hold contents
mov [hReadBuf], eax
push NULL
push lpBytesWritten
push dword [lpFileSize]
push dword [hReadBuf]
push dword [hSelfFile]
call ReadFile ; slurp it into memory
push dword [hSelfFile]
call CloseHandle ; don't need anymore
push NULL
push lpBytesWritten
push dword [lpFileSize]
push dword [hReadBuf]
push dword [hConOut]
call WriteFile ; print to console
push NULL
push lpBytesWritten
push 2
push szCRLF
push dword [hConOut]
call WriteFile ; "display carrage return/linefeed"
push NULL
push hReadBuf
call HeapFree ; free the our buffer memory
push 0
call ExitProcess
extern GetStdHandle
extern CreateFileA
extern ReadFile
extern WriteFile
extern CloseHandle
extern GetFileSize
extern ExitProcess
extern GetProcessHeap
extern HeapAlloc
extern HeapFree
我用 OpenFile 打开了一个文件,并用 GetFileSize 得到了它的大小。我希望使用 ReadFile 并将堆栈用作它所需的缓冲区,并在堆栈上分配足够的空间,并使用从 GetFileSize 返回的文件大小。当我 运行 这个时,我没有输出。
extern GetStdHandle
extern GetModuleFileNameA
extern OpenFile
extern ReadFile
extern WriteFile
extern CloseHandle
extern GetFileSize
extern ExitProcess
import GetStdHandle kernel32.dll
import GetModuleFileNameA kernel32.dll
import OpenFile kernel32.dll
import ReadFile kernel32.dll
import WriteFile kernel32.dll
import CloseHandle kernel32.dll
import GetFileSize kernel32.dll
import ExitProcess kernel32.dll
global ..start
segment .code USE32
;Setting up the stack...
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
;Get standard output to console
push dword -11
call [GetStdHandle]
mov dword [hStdOut], eax
;Get filepath...
push dword filepath
push dword 0
call [GetModuleFileNameA]
;Outputting filepath
;Doesn't show up on the console but if you dump it to a file
;and edit it it is there...
;push dword 0
;push dword bytesRead
;push dword 128 ;Maximum path size for OpenFile...
;push dword filepath
;push dword [hStdOut]
;call [WriteFile]
;Opening the file and getting the handle...
push dword 0
push dword ofstruct
push dword filepath
mov dword [hSelfFile]
;Getting the file size...
push dword 0
push dword hSelfFile
call [GetFileSize]
mov dword [fSize], eax
;Allocating data on the stack...
sub esp, fSize
;Reading the file...
push dword 0
push dword bytesRead
push dword fSize
push dword ebp ;ebp or esp?
push dword [hSelfFile]
call [ReadFile]
;Outputting the read file...
push dword 0
push dword bytesRead
push dword fSize
push dword ebp ;ebp or esp?
push dword [hStdOut]
call [WriteFile]
;Closing the file handle...
push dword hSelfFile
call [CloseHandle]
;Cleaning up the stack...
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
xor eax, eax
push eax
call [ExitProcess]
segment .data
segment .bss
hStdOut resd 1
hSelfFile resd 1
bytesRead resd 1
ofstruct resb 136 ;The size in bytes of ofstruct
fSize resd 1
filepath resb 128 ;Maximum path OpenFile will allow
malloc?当 Windows 中有记忆函数时,您为什么要 link 到 C 库?
除了代码中的所有错误之外,您是否意识到您正在尝试打开一个可执行文件并将内容打印到控制台?你不能那样做(当然你可以,但你不会得到任何漂亮的东西)因为 exe 包含不可打印的字符,你会在屏幕上看到很多垃圾。
下面是一些示例代码,可以打开 exes 目录中的文本文件、获取大小、分配一些内存来保存文件、读取文件并将内容显示到控制台。
创建一个名为test.txt 的文本文件并将其保存在exe 目录中。您可以使用此测试所需的任何文本填充此文件。我选择使用培根 lorem ipsum 生成器,因为我喜欢培根 :-)
%define NULL 0
%define FILE_READ_DATA 1
section .bss
hConOut resd 1
lpBytesWritten resd 1
hSelfFile resd 1
hHeap resd 1
lpFileSize resd 1
hReadBuf resd 1
section .data
szTestFile db 'test.txt', 0
szCRLF db 13, 10
global Start
section .text
call GetProcessHeap ; get handle to apps heap
mov [hHeap], eax
push STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ; um, self explanitory
call GetStdHandle
mov [hConOut], eax
push NULL
push NULL
push NULL
push 0
push szTestFile
call CreateFileA ; Let's open the damn file
mov [hSelfFile], eax
push NULL
push eax
call GetFileSize ; well, get the size of file to read
add eax, 1
mov [lpFileSize], eax
push eax
push dword [hHeap]
call HeapAlloc ; now allocate some memory to hold contents
mov [hReadBuf], eax
push NULL
push lpBytesWritten
push dword [lpFileSize]
push dword [hReadBuf]
push dword [hSelfFile]
call ReadFile ; slurp it into memory
push dword [hSelfFile]
call CloseHandle ; don't need anymore
push NULL
push lpBytesWritten
push dword [lpFileSize]
push dword [hReadBuf]
push dword [hConOut]
call WriteFile ; print to console
push NULL
push lpBytesWritten
push 2
push szCRLF
push dword [hConOut]
call WriteFile ; "display carrage return/linefeed"
push NULL
push hReadBuf
call HeapFree ; free the our buffer memory
push 0
call ExitProcess
extern GetStdHandle
extern CreateFileA
extern ReadFile
extern WriteFile
extern CloseHandle
extern GetFileSize
extern ExitProcess
extern GetProcessHeap
extern HeapAlloc
extern HeapFree