
How to convert string from one encoding to another

我有一个 1252 编码的字符串,如何将它转换成 UTF-8 编码 尝试 Encoding.Convert 但在打印时得到相同的 1252 编码字符串

var destEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; // utf-8
var srcEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252); 
// convert the source bytes to the destination bytes
var destBytes = Encoding.Convert(srcEncoding, destEncoding, srcEncoding.GetBytes(srcString));

// process the byte[]
//File.WriteAllBytes("myFile", destBytes); // write it to a file OR ...
var destString = destEncoding.GetString(destBytes); // ... get the string

代码页 1252 是 8 位。可见转义 (%DC) 看起来更像是 URL 编码。见RFC3986你可以这样解码:

    using System.Web;

    string inputString = "C:/Users/%DCser";     
    string decoded = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(inputString, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252));

上面的代码应该输出不带引号的“c:/Users/Üser”。此示例中的字符串将采用 UTF16 编码,因为这是 .NET 的默认编码。因此,您可以从这里将其转换为目标编码。

正如我试图在评论中解释的那样,这里真正的问题是您有一个 % 编码的字符串值,但是使用的 与您预期的编码不同;要解决此问题,您需要:

  1. 识别源数据中的 % 编码标记
  2. 从源 % 编码块中解析出字节
  3. 使用编码
  4. 解码这些字节
  5. 使用目的地编码
  6. 重新编码这些字节
  7. 重新应用这些字节的 % 编码
  8. 将这些值替换回原始字符串

例如(将 "C:/Users/%C5%92ser" 更改为 "C:/Users/%8Cser"):

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

static class P
    static void Main()
        var result = RewriteUrlPercentEncoding("C:/Users/%C5%92ser",
            Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding(1252));

    static string RewriteUrlPercentEncoding(string value, Encoding from, Encoding to)
        => Regex.Replace(value, @"(\%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+", match => // #1
            var s = match.Value;
            // #2
            var bytes = new byte[s.Length / 3];
            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                byte hi = ParseNibble(s[(i * 3) + 1]),
                    lo = ParseNibble(s[(i * 3) + 2]);
                bytes[i] = (byte)((hi << 4) | lo);
            // #3 and #4
            var reencoded = to.GetBytes(from.GetString(bytes));
            // #5
            var chars = new char[3 * reencoded.Length];
            int index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < reencoded.Length; i++)
                var b = reencoded[i];
                chars[index++] = '%';
                chars[index++] = WriteNibble((byte)(b >> 4));
                chars[index++] = WriteNibble((byte)(b & 0b1111));
            // #6
            return new string(chars);

            static byte ParseNibble(char c) => c switch
                '0' => 0x0,
                '1' => 0x1,
                '2' => 0x2,
                '3' => 0x3,
                '4' => 0x4,
                '5' => 0x5,
                '6' => 0x6,
                '7' => 0x7,
                '8' => 0x8,
                '9' => 0x9,
                'A' => 0xA,
                'B' => 0xB,
                'C' => 0xC,
                'D' => 0xD,
                'E' => 0xE,
                'F' => 0xF,
                'a' => 0xA,
                'b' => 0xB,
                'c' => 0xC,
                'd' => 0xD,
                'e' => 0xF,
                'f' => 0xF,
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(c)),
            static char WriteNibble(byte b) => b switch
                0x0 => '0',
                0x1 => '1',
                0x2 => '2',
                0x3 => '3',
                0x4 => '4',
                0x5 => '5',
                0x6 => '6',
                0x7 => '7',
                0x8 => '8',
                0x9 => '9',
                0xA => 'A',
                0xB => 'B',
                0xC => 'C',
                0xD => 'D',
                0xE => 'E',
                0xF => 'F',
                _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(b)),


类似地,反转编码允许我们从 "C:/Users/%DCser""C:/Users/%C3%9Cser":

var result = RewriteUrlPercentEncoding("C:/Users/%DCser",
    Encoding.GetEncoding(1252), Encoding.UTF8);