如何在 redux 中执行依赖异步调用?

How to perform dependent async calls in redux?


我有一个使用 redux 和 redux-thunk 的 React 应用程序。

试图了解如何编排异步调用。如何仅在先前调度的操作(API 调用)成功时才调度操作。


我有 EmployeesComponent。该组件有两个虚拟表示组件

渲染 EmployeesComponent 时,在 useEffect 挂钩中,我分派了一个动作来加载员工。到目前为止,还不错。

当我的用户在 AddEmployeeForm 中输入数据并提交表单时,如果 API 调用成功,我想再次加载所有员工。


   const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
        console.log("Handle submit add new employee..");
        const employeeData = inputs;
        // Validate data from the AddEmployeeForm
        // in case of validation errors, abort

       dispatch(addEmployee(employeeData)); // calls API to save the data

       // How to await the result of the dispatched action (addEmployee) before continuing? 

       // If addEmployee was not successful abort
       // The error data from the API call is saved in the redux store, 
       // so the UI gets notified and can display it properly

        // If addEmployee was successful, I want to
        clearForm(); // local state from the component
        handleCloseForm(); // local state from the component



handleSubmit 中的当前方法对我来说很奇怪。业务逻辑有点放在 UI 中,明确分离 UI 和业务逻辑的好处就失去了。我很难弄清楚要采用什么方法以及如何处理这种用例。


在 Redux 中,async logic is normally written in the form of "thunk" functions。这使您可以提取需要与 React 组件外部的商店交互的逻辑,尤其是需要执行诸如获取数据和分派结果之类的异步逻辑。

你也可以return a promise from a thunk and await that promise in the component after dispatching.