Meson - 如何指定要使用的 wxgtk 版本?

Meson - How to specify which wxgtk version to use?

我正在使用 Arch Linux 并使用我从 pacman 安装的 wxgtk3 开发一个项目,我还从 [=16= 安装了 wxformbuilder ] 将 wxgtk2 作为依赖引入。当我尝试构建我的程序时,它构建得很好,但是当我尝试 运行 它时,它会抛出一条巨大的错误消息,

./src/common/object.cpp(245): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxTreebook" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
./src/common/object.cpp(245): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxVListBox" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
./src/common/object.cpp(245): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxVScrolledWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
./src/common/object.cpp(245): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHScrolledWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
./src/common/object.cpp(245): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxHVScrolledWindow" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?
./src/common/object.cpp(245): assert "classTable->Get(m_className) == NULL" failed in Register(): Class "wxXmlResourceHandler" already in RTTI table - have you used IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() multiple times or linked some object file twice)?

(SampleHive:26191): Gtk-ERROR **: 05:45:13.924: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported
zsh: trace trap  ./SampleHive


但是如果我卸载 wxgtk2 并再次尝试 运行 我的程序,它 运行 没问题。有没有办法在 meson 中指定始终使用 wxgtk3,这样我就不必一次又一次地卸载 wxgtk2,因为我需要在我的系统上安装 wxformbuilder .


这是我的 文件,

project('SampleHive', 'cpp',
  version : '0.1',
  license : 'GPL v3',
  default_options : ['warning_level=1',

src = [



wx = dependency('wxwidgets', modules : ['media', 'std'])
wxsvg = dependency('libwxsvg')
taglib = dependency('taglib')
sqlite3 = dependency('sqlite3')
yaml = dependency('yaml-cpp')

wx_inc = include_directories('/usr/include/wx-3.0')

           sources : src,
           dependencies : [wx, wxsvg, taglib, sqlite3, yaml],
           include_directories : wx_inc)


meson build
ninja -C build

这是存储库的 link - SampleHive


some_dep = dependency('some_dep', version : '>=1.2.3')


wx = dependency('wxwidgets', modules : ['media', 'std'], version: '>=3.0.0')



cd <my_project_dir>
g++ -o <my_project_binary_name> *.cpp `/path/to/wx-config/wx-config --cxxflags --libs`




确保在 wx-config 命令周围使用背包。

刚刚检查过,AUR 中有一个 wxformbuilder-git 包将 wxgtk3 而不是 wxgtk2 作为依赖项,这样应该可以解决我的问题。