通用 Typescript 类型 + React hook

Generic Typescript Type + React hook

我有以下 http 挂钩:

export const useHttp = <T,>(initUrl: string, initData: T) => {
    const [url, setUrl] = useState(initUrl);
    const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(fetchReducer, {
        isLoading: false,
        error: '',
        data: initData

    useEffect(() => {
        let cancelRequest = false;

        const fetchData = async (cancelRequest: boolean = false) => {
            if (!url) return;

            dispatch({ type: 'API_REQUEST'});
            try {
                const responsePromise: AxiosPromise<T> = axios(url);
                const response = await responsePromise;
                if (cancelRequest) return;
                dispatch({ type: 'API_SUCCESS', payload: response.data });
            } catch (e) {
                console.log("Got error", e);
                dispatch({ type: 'API_ERROR', payload: e.message });

        return () => {
            cancelRequest = true;

    }, [url]);

    const executeFetch = (url: string) => {

    return { ...state, executeFetch}


const fetchReducer = <T,>(state: IState<T>, action: TAction<T>): IState<T> => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'API_REQUEST':
            return {
                isLoading: true
        case 'API_SUCCESS':
            return {
                data: action.payload,
                isLoading: false,
                error: ''
        case 'API_ERROR':
            console.error(`Triggered: ${API_ERROR}, message: ${action.payload}`);
            return {
                error: action.payload,
                isLoading: false,
            throw Error('Invalid action');


export interface IApiSuccess<T> {
    type: types.ApiSuccess,
    payload: T;
export type TAction<T> = IApiRequest | IApiSuccess<T> | IApiError;


const { data, error, isLoading, executeFetch } = useHttp<IArticle[]>('news', []);

return (
            <div className={classes.articleListHeader}>
                <h1>Article List</h1>
                <small className={classes.headerSubtitle}>{data.length} Articles</small>
                {data.map(article => <Article article={article}/>)}

我的 TS 对我大吼大叫,因为我正在使用 data 变量:Object is of type 'unknown'. TS2571

我确实指定了 useHttp 的类型,即 IArtlce[]。 知道我错过了什么吗?

更新: 我试图为我的减速器添加 return 类型:

interface HttpReducer<T> extends IState<T> {
    executeFetch: (url: string) => void

export const useHttp = <T,>(initUrl: string, initData: T): HttpReducer<T> => {


Type '{ executeFetch: (url: string) => void; error: string; isLoading: boolean; data: unknown; }' is not assignable to type 'HttpReducer<T>'.

我能够 reproduce your error。您期望 useReducer 挂钩能够根据初始状态的类型推断状态类型,但它只是推断 IState<unknown>.

useReducer are defined 的类型使得通用参数是减速器的类型。状态的类型是从具有 ReducerState 实用程序类型的减速器推断出来的。它不期望通用减速器并且不能很好地与它一起工作。

hook的T和reducer的T没有关系,不是状态。 fetchReducer 是一个通用函数,这意味着它可以接受 any IState 和 return 一个 IState 相同类型。我们可以使用这个函数来处理我们钩子的IState<T>,但是为了推断状态的类型我们需要说我们的函数将接受和return IState<T>.

您需要将 useReducer 上的通用设置为:

const [state, dispatch] = useReducer<(state: IState<T>, action: TAction<T>) => IState<T>>( ...


const [state, dispatch] = useReducer<<T,>(state: IState<T>, action: TAction<T>) => IState<T>>(...

但差异非常重要。当前描述了一个通用函数,而修复描述了一个只采用一种类型的 T 的函数——即 useHttp 挂钩。这是误导,因为您对两者都使用 T 。或许我们重命名一个更容易看出来


export const useHttp = <Data,>(initUrl: string, initData: Data) => {
  const [url, setUrl] = useState(initUrl);
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer<<T,>(state: IState<T>, action: TAction<T>) => IState<T>>(fetchReducer, {


export const useHttp = <Data,>(initUrl: string, initData: Data) => {
  const [url, setUrl] = useState(initUrl);
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer<(state: IState<Data>, action: TAction<Data>) => IState<Data>>(fetchReducer, {


现在调用 useHttp<IArticle[]>() 会得到一个 data 类型为 IArticle[] 的变量。

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