通过 octets->string->unpack 解包二进制文件失败:signed int `#(243 0)` 是非法的 UTF8

unpacking binary file via octets->string->unpack fails: signed int `#(243 0)` is illegal UTF8

我正在解析一个二进制文件(nifti) with a mix of chars, floats, ints, and shorts (using the PDL::IO::Nifti cpan 模块作为参考)。

我运气不错,可以将八位字节序列解析为字符串,以便将它们传递给 cl-pack:unpack。这很复杂,但方便使用 perl 模块作为参考进行移植。

此策略无法将 #(243 0) 读取为二进制

(setf my-problem (make-array 2
                             :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
                             :initial-contents #(243 0)))
(babel:octets-to-string my-problem)

Illegal :UTF-8 character starting at position 0

并且,当尝试将文件读取为 char*

the octet sequence #(243 0 1 0) cannot be decoded.

我希望有一个我还没有弄清楚的简单编码问题。尝试反方向(打包 243 并获取八位字节)给出长度为 3 的向量,我期望为 2.

(babel:string-to-octets (cl-pack:pack "s" 243))
; yields #(195 179 0) expect #(243 0)


;; can read up to position 40. at which we expect 8 signed ints. 
;; 4th int is value "243" but octet cannot be parsed
(setq fid-bin (open "test.nii" :direction :input :element-type 'unsigned-byte))
(file-position fid-bin 40)
(setf seq (make-array (* 2 8) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
(read-sequence seq fid-bin) 
; seq: #(3 0 0 1 44 1 243 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0)

(babel:octets-to-string seq) ; Illegal :UTF-8 character starting at position 6.
(sb-ext:octets-to-string seq) ; Illegal ....

;; first 3 are as expected
(cl-pack:unpack "s3" (babel:octets-to-string (subseq seq 0 6)))
; 3 256 300

(setf my-problem (subseq seq 6 8)) ; #(243 0)
(babel:octets-to-string my-problem)       ; Illegal :UTF-8 character starting at position 0.

;; checking the reverse direction
;; 243 gets represented as 3 bytes!?
(babel:string-to-octets (cl-pack:pack "s3" 3 256 300))     ; #(3 0 0 1 44 1)
(babel:string-to-octets (cl-pack:pack "s4" 3 256 300 243)) ; #(3 0 0 1 44 1 195 179 0)

(setq fid-str (open "test.nii" :direction :input))
(setf char-seq (make-array (* 2 8) :initial-element nil :element-type 'char*))
(file-position fid-str 40)
(read-sequence char-seq fid-str)
;; :UTF-8 stream decoding error on #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM ....
;; the octet sequence #(243 0 1 0) cannot be decoded.

Perl 等价物

open my $f, "test.nii";
seek $f, 46, 0;
read $f,my $b, 2;
print(unpack "s", $b); # 243


CL-USER> (cl-pack:pack "s" 243)


(babel:octets-to-string my-problem :encoding :iso-8859-1)

问题是您使用的函数试图将一些八位字节序列视为字符序列(或某些 Unicode 事物:我认为 Unicode 中除了字符之外还有其他东西)。特别是,在您的情况下,您使用的函数将八位字节序列视为某个字符串的 UTF-8 编码。好吧,并非所有八位字节序列都是合法的 UTF-8,因此这些函数正确地吐出了非法的八位字节序列。

但那是因为你没有做正确的事情:你想要做的是获取一个八位位组序列并生成一个字符串,其 char-codes 就是那些八位位组。您不想使用任何愚蠢的大字符编码小整数垃圾,因为您永远不会看到任何大字符。您需要类似这些函数的东西(这两个函数的名称都有些错误,因为除非您是,否则它们不会对整个八位字节的事情大惊小怪)。

(defun stringify-octets (octets &key 
                                (element-type 'character)
                                (into (make-string (length octets)
                                                   :element-type element-type)))
  ;; Smash a sequence of octets into a string.
  (map-into into #'code-char octets))

(defun octetify-string (string &key
                               (element-type `(integer 0 (,char-code-limit)))
                               (into (make-array (length string)
                                                 :element-type element-type)))
  ;; smash a string into an array of 'octets' (not actually octets)
  (map-into into #'char-code string))


> (octetify-string (pack "s" 243))
#(243 0)

>  (unpack "s" (stringify-octets (octetify-string (pack "s" 243))))


> (unpack "s8" (stringify-octets #(3 0 0 1 44 1 243 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0)))

一个真正更好的方法是让打包和解包函数只处理八位字节序列。但我怀疑这是一个失败的原因。一种比将八位位组序列转换为字符更可怕但不那么可怕的临时方法是将文件作为文本读取,但使用根本不进行翻译的外部格式。如何做到这一点取决于实现(但基于 latin-1 的东西将是一个好的开始)。