每 3 次和 2 次迭代添加一个 div 行

every 3 and 2 iterations add a div row

我正在阻止 PHP / Smarty 逻辑。


 <div class="products" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/ItemList">
    <div class="row">
    <div class="row">
    <div class="row">
    <div class="row">

我想创建一行 3 行,然后创建一行 2 行等等...


    <div class="products{if !empty($cssClass)} {$cssClass}{/if}" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ItemList">
    {foreach name="products" from=$products item="product" key="position"}
        {include file="catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl" product=$product position=$position}



您可能想要控制 foreach 循环中的行 opening/closing 和列计数。您不希望在专用于显示单个项目的模板中出现这种逻辑。

为此,我们需要一个变量来确定要显示的列数 - 我们会将每行的列数从 2 切换到 3。我们还需要一个计数器,我们可以在每一行的末尾重置它,以跟踪在当前行中渲染了多少列。最后,无论列数如何,我们都需要确保在到达产品数组末尾时关闭当前行。

<div class="products{if !empty($cssClass)} {$cssClass}{/if}" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ItemList">
    {* Assign a column limit *}
    {assign var=colLimit value=3}
    {* Create a counter for our columns *}
    {counter start=0 name=colCounter assign=colCount print=false}
    {foreach name="products" from=$products item="product" key="position"}
        {* Open a row when the column count is zero *}
        {if $colCount==0}
            <div class="row">
            {* Increment the counter *}
            {counter name=colCounter}
                Include the product template.
                We can either pass the column count or $product@index/$product@iteration to the position arg,
                or this may not be needed after implementing column logic in the loop
            {include file="catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl" product=$product position=$colCount}
        {* If this is the last column to display in the row or the last product in the array, close the row *}
        {if $colCount==$colLimit || $product@last}
            {* Toggle the column limit *}
            {if $colLimit==3}
                {assign var=colLimit value=2}
                {assign var=colLimit value=3}
            {* Reset the counter *}
            {counter start=0 name=colCounter assign=colCount print=false}