在 Vuejs 中检索一个 props 数据并记录到 POST API with modal

Retrieve a props data in Vuejs and record to POST API with modal

我想在单击“添加研究”按钮时检索数据“project.id”以记录它。当我单击此按钮时,我会发送名称和状态,但我也想通过我的 API 发送项目 ID。 Si 这是代码:


      <div v-for="(projet,index) in arrayProjects.projects" v-bind:key="index" class="box-project">

        <h2>{{projet.title}} - {{projet.nameStructure}}</h2>

        <ProjectTable v-bind:id-project="projet.id" />

          <a-button type="secondary" @click="showModalStudy">
            Add study {{projet.id}}
          title="Add study :"
              <a-form-item >

还有 javascript :

import ProjectTable from "@/components/ProjectTable";
import axios from "axios";

export default {

  name: "ProjectCard",
  components: {ProjectTable},
  props: ["arrayProjects"],
  data() {
    return {
      confirmLoading: false,
      newStudy: {
  methods: {

    showModalStudy() {
      this.visible = true;

    cancelClick() {
      this.visible= false;
      console.log("click cancel")

    sendClick() {
      this.confirmLoading = true;
        .post('', {
          name : this.newStudy.nameStudy,
          status: "On load",


      setTimeout(() => {
        this.visible = false;
        this.confirmLoading = false;
      }, 1000);




如何在我的 axios 行中添加我的项目 ID 以发送它? 感谢您的帮助

您应该确定当前 project.id 的容器在 data 范围内,用于添加研究处理程序 sendClick() 并将 project.id 传递给 showModalStudy() 以覆盖为下一个 API 调用

定义的数据 currentId
    <a-button type="secondary" @click="showModalStudy(project.id)">
      Add study {{ projet.id }}
  data() {
    return {
      currentId = null // will be a id value when user click the button
    showModalStudy(projectId) {
      this.visible = true;
      this.currentId = projectId

    sendClick() {
      // do something with this.currentId
      // ...