为什么 __setattr__ 和 __delattr__ 在这种情况下引发 AttributeError?

Why do __setattr__ and __delattr__ raise an AttributeError in this case?

在 Python 中,object.__setattr__type.__setattr__ 在属性 update 期间引发 AttributeError 的基本原理是什么,如果该类型有一个 data 描述符的属性,没有 __set__ 方法?同样,如果类型的属性是 data 没有 __delete__ 方法的描述符?

我问这个是因为我注意到 object.__getattribute__type.__getattribute__ 在属性 期间 而不是 引发 AttributeError ]lookup 如果类型的属性是 data 描述符,没有 __get__ 方法。

这是一个简单的程序,它说明了一方面通过 object.__getattribute__ 进行属性查找(AttributeError 未引发)与通过 object.__setattr__ 进行属性更新和通过 object.__setattr__ 进行属性删除之间的区别object.__delattr__ 另一方面(AttributeError 提高):

class DataDescriptor1:  # missing __get__
    def __set__(self, instance, value): pass
    def __delete__(self, instance): pass

class DataDescriptor2:  # missing __set__
    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): pass
    def __delete__(self, instance): pass

class DataDescriptor3:  # missing __delete__
    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): pass
    def __set__(self, instance, value): pass

class A:
    x = DataDescriptor1()
    y = DataDescriptor2()
    z = DataDescriptor3()

a = A()
vars(a).update({'x': 'foo', 'y': 'bar', 'z': 'baz'})

# actual: returns 'foo'
# expected: returns 'foo'

a.y = 'qux'
# actual: raises AttributeError: __set__
# expected: vars(a)['y'] == 'qux'

del a.z
# actual: raises AttributeError: __delete__
# expected: 'z' not in vars(a)

这是另一个简单的程序,说明了一方面通过 type.__getattribute__ 进行属性查找(AttributeError 未引发)与通过 type.__setattr__ 更新属性和通过 type.__setattr__ 删除属性之间的区别type.__delattr__ 另一方面(AttributeError 被提出):

class DataDescriptor1:  # missing __get__
    def __set__(self, instance, value): pass
    def __delete__(self, instance): pass

class DataDescriptor2:  # missing __set__
    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): pass
    def __delete__(self, instance): pass

class DataDescriptor3:  # missing __delete__
    def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): pass
    def __set__(self, instance, value): pass

class M(type):
    x = DataDescriptor1()
    y = DataDescriptor2()
    z = DataDescriptor3()

class A(metaclass=M):
    x = 'foo'
    y = 'bar'
    z = 'baz'

# actual: returns 'foo'
# expected: returns 'foo'

A.y = 'qux'
# actual: raises AttributeError: __set__
# expected: vars(A)['y'] == 'qux'

del A.z
# actual: raises AttributeError: __delete__
# expected: 'z' not in vars(A)

我希望实例字典发生变异,而不是获取 AttributeError 用于属性更新和属性删除。属性查找 returns 来自实例字典的值,所以我想知道为什么属性更新和属性删除也不使用实例字典(就像如果类型没有作为数据描述符的属性时他们会做的那样) ).

我认为这只是没有人真正想到或关心的 C 级设计的结果。

在 C 级别,__set____delete__ 对应于相同的 C 级别 slot, tp_descr_set, and deletion is specified by passing a null value to set. (This is similar to the design used for __setattr__ and __delattr__, which also correspond to a single slot,也通过 NULL 删除。)

如果您实施 __set____delete__,C 级插槽将设置为 wrapper function 以查找 __set____delete__ 并且称之为:

static int
slot_tp_descr_set(PyObject *self, PyObject *target, PyObject *value)
    PyObject* stack[3];
    PyObject *res;

    stack[0] = self;
    stack[1] = target;
    if (value == NULL) {
        res = vectorcall_method(&PyId___delete__, stack, 2);
    else {
        stack[2] = value;
        res = vectorcall_method(&PyId___set__, stack, 3);
    if (res == NULL)
        return -1;
    return 0;


如果 __set____delete__ 有两个插槽,就不会出现这种效果,但有人在设计 API 时不得不关心,我怀疑有人做了。