
Fuzzy matching strings within a single column and documenting possible matches

我有一个相对较大的数据集,大约 5k 行,其中包含 journal/research 篇论文的标题。这是数据集的一个小样本:

dt = structure(list(Title = c("Community reinforcement approach in the treatment of opiate addicts", 
"Therapeutic justice: Life inside drug court", "Therapeutic justice: Life inside drug court", 
"Tuberculosis screening in a novel substance abuse treatment center in Malaysia: Implications for a comprehensive approach for integrated care", 
"An ecosystem for improving the quality of personal health records", 
"Patterns of attachment and alcohol abuse in sexual and violent non-sexual offenders", 
"A Model for the Assessment of Static and Dynamic Factors in Sexual Offenders", 
"A model for the assessment of static and dynamic factors in sexual offenders", 
"The problem of co-occurring disorders among jail detainees: Antisocial disorder, alcoholism, drug abuse, and depression", 
"Co-occurring disorders among mentally ill jail detainees. Implications for public policy", 
"Comorbidity and Continuity of Psychiatric Disorders in Youth After Detention: A Prospective Longitudinal Study", 
"Behavioral Health and Adult Milestones in Young Adults With Perinatal HIV Infection or Exposure", 
"Behavioral health and adult milestones in young adults with perinatal HIV infection or exposure", 
"Revising the paradigm for jail diversion for people with mental and substance use disorders: Intercept 0", 
"Diagnosis of active and latent tuberculosis: summary of NICE guidance", 
"Towards tackling tuberculosis in vulnerable groups in the European Union: the E-DETECT TB consortium"
)), row.names = c(NA, -16L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"

您可以看到其中有一些重复的标题,但有 formatting/case 不同。我想识别重复的标题并创建一个新变量来记录哪些行可能匹配。为此,我尝试使用 agrep 函数 as suggested here :

dt$is.match <- sapply(dt$Title,agrep,dt$Title)

这会识别匹配项,但会将结果保存为新变量列中的列表。有没有办法做到这一点(最好使用 base r 或 data.table),其中 agrep 的结果不保存为列表,而只标识匹配的行(例如,6:7)?

提前致谢 - 希望我提供了足够的信息。

这不是 base r 也不是 data.table,但这是使用 tidyverse 检测重复项的一种方法:


dt %>% 
  mutate(row = row_number()) %>% 


# A tibble: 2 x 3
  Title                                       dupe_count   row
  <chr>                                            <int> <int>
1 Therapeutic justice: Life inside drug court          2     2
2 Therapeutic justice: Life inside drug court          2     3


dt %>% 
  mutate(Title = str_to_lower(Title),
         row = row_number()) %>% 


# A tibble: 6 x 3
  Title                                                                      dupe_count   row
  <chr>                                                                           <int> <int>
1 a model for the assessment of static and dynamic factors in sexual offend…          2     7
2 a model for the assessment of static and dynamic factors in sexual offend…          2     8
3 behavioral health and adult milestones in young adults with perinatal hiv…          2    12
4 behavioral health and adult milestones in young adults with perinatal hiv…          2    13
5 therapeutic justice: life inside drug court                                         2     2
6 therapeutic justice: life inside drug court                                         2     3


dt$is.match <- sapply(dt$Title,function(x) toString(agrep(x, dt$Title)), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

# A tibble: 16 x 2
#   Title                                                                                                    is.match
#   <chr>                                                                                                    <chr>   
# 1 Community reinforcement approach in the treatment of opiate addicts                                      1       
# 2 Therapeutic justice: Life inside drug court                                                              2, 3    
# 3 Therapeutic justice: Life inside drug court                                                              2, 3    
# 4 Tuberculosis screening in a novel substance abuse treatment center in Malaysia: Implications for a comp… 4       
# 5 An ecosystem for improving the quality of personal health records                                        5       
# 6 Patterns of attachment and alcohol abuse in sexual and violent non-sexual offenders                      6       
# 7 A Model for the Assessment of Static and Dynamic Factors in Sexual Offenders                             7, 8    
# 8 A model for the assessment of static and dynamic factors in sexual offenders                             7, 8    
# 9 The problem of co-occurring disorders among jail detainees: Antisocial disorder, alcoholism, drug abuse… 9       
#10 Co-occurring disorders among mentally ill jail detainees. Implications for public policy                 10      
#11 Comorbidity and Continuity of Psychiatric Disorders in Youth After Detention: A Prospective Longitudina… 11      
#12 Behavioral Health and Adult Milestones in Young Adults With Perinatal HIV Infection or Exposure          12, 13  
#13 Behavioral health and adult milestones in young adults with perinatal HIV infection or exposure          12, 13  
#14 Revising the paradigm for jail diversion for people with mental and substance use disorders: Intercept 0 14      
#15 Diagnosis of active and latent tuberculosis: summary of NICE guidance                                    15      
#16 Towards tackling tuberculosis in vulnerable groups in the European Union: the E-DETECT TB consortium     16