将 Terraform CLI 工作区迁移到 Terraform Cloud 错误

Migrate Terraform CLI workspaces to Terraform Cloud error

我正在尝试将项目的 CLI 工作区迁移到 Terraform Cloud。我正在使用 Terraform 版本 0.14.8 并遵循官方指南 here.

$ terraform0.14.8 workspace list                 
* development


terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    profile              = "..."
    key                  = "..."
    workspace_key_prefix = "environments"
    region               = "us-east-1"
    bucket               = "terraform-state-bucketA"
    dynamodb_table       = "terraform-state-bucketA"
    encrypt              = true


  backend "remote" {
    hostname     = "app.terraform.io"
    organization = "orgA"

    workspaces {
      prefix = "happyproject-"

并执行terraform0.14.8 init以开始状态迁移过程。预期行为是在 Terraform Cloud 中创建 3 个工作区:

  1. happyproject-development
  2. happyproject-staging
  3. happyproject-production


$ terraform0.14.8 init                           
Initializing modules...

Initializing the backend...
Backend configuration changed!

Terraform has detected that the configuration specified for the backend
has changed. Terraform will now check for existing state in the backends.

Terraform detected that the backend type changed from "s3" to "remote".

Error: Error looking up workspace

Workspace read failed: invalid value for workspace

我还启用了 TRACE 级别的日志,就在它抛出错误之前我可以看到:2021/03/23 10:08:03 [TRACE] backend/remote: looking up workspace for orgA/.

注意orgA/后面的空字符串和省略的前缀!我猜测 TF 试图查询 Terraform Cloud 以获取默认工作区,这是一个空字符串,但它没有这样做。 我根本没有使用 default 工作区,它只是在我执行 terraform0.14.8 init 时出现。该指南提到:

Some backends, including the default local backend, allow a special default workspace that doesn't have a specific name. If you previously used a combination of named workspaces and the special default workspace, the prompt will next ask you to choose a new name for the default workspace, since Terraform Cloud doesn't support unnamed workspaces:


我有类似的问题,帮助我的是提前创建具有预期名称的空工作区,然后 运行 terraform init。 在执行初始化之前,我还将 .tfstate 文件从远程位置复制到项目的根目录。希望这对你也有帮助。


  1. 在 Terraform Cloud 中创建了空工作区
  2. 对于每个 CLI 工作区,我将后端指向相应的 TFC 工作区并执行 terraform init。这样,Terraform 状态自动从 S3 后端迁移到 TFC
  3. 最后,在迁移所有 CLI 工作区后,我使用工作区块的 prefix 参数而不是 name 参数来管理不同的 TFC 工作区