Add Hierarchic level based on reporting
child parent
b a
c a
d b
e c
f c
g f
child parent level
b a 1
c a 1
d b 2
e c 2
f c 2
g f 3
根据此父子报告,'a' 是主要父项,因为它不向任何人报告。 'b' 和 'c' 向 'a' 报告,因此它们是级别 = 1。'd' 和 'e' 向级别 1 (b,c) 报告,因此它们是级别=2。 'g' 向 'f'(级别 2)报告,因此 'g' 的级别 = 3。请让我知道如何实现这个
df['Level'] = np.where(df['parent'] == 'a',"level 1",np.nan)
dfm1 = pd.Series(np.where(df['Level'] == 'level 1', df['parent'],None))
df.loc[df['parent'].isin(dfm1),'Level'] = "level 2"
这是一种使用 networkx
import networkx as nx
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df,"parent","child",create_using=nx.DiGraph())
f = lambda x: len(nx.ancestors(G,x))
df['level'] = df['child'].map(f)
child parent level
0 b a 1
1 c a 1
2 d b 2
3 e c 2
4 f c 2
5 g f 3
# We will build the tree of relationships, using a helper node class
class Node:
def __init__(self, value, parent=None, level=0):
self.value = value
self.parent = parent
self.level = level
self.children = []
def set_child(self, child):
child.level = self.level + 1
# Helper function to insert nodes
def insert(node, new_node):
if new_node.parent == node.value:
# if the new node is a child, insert it
# otherwise, iterate over the children until you find its parent
if node.children:
for child in node.children:
insert(child, new_node)
# gather the level information for the tree
def node_print(node, values=[]):
if node.parent:
values.append((node.value, node.parent, node.level))
for child in node.children:
values = node_print(child, values=values)
return values
# Now get the data and build the tree
data = """b a
c a
d b
e c
f c
g f"""
rows = [y.split() for y in data.split("\n")]
for index, (child, parent) in enumerate(rows):
if index == 0:
node = Node(value=parent)
child_node = Node(value=child, parent=parent)
insert(node, child_node)
output = pd.DataFrame(data=node_print(node, values=[]), columns=['child', 'parent', 'level']).sort_values(by='level')
child parent level
0 b a 1
2 c a 1
1 d b 2
3 e c 2
4 f c 2
5 g f 3
数据 df
child parent b a c a d b e c f c g f
child parent level
b a 1
c a 1
d b 2
e c 2
f c 2
g f 3
根据此父子报告,'a' 是主要父项,因为它不向任何人报告。 'b' 和 'c' 向 'a' 报告,因此它们是级别 = 1。'd' 和 'e' 向级别 1 (b,c) 报告,因此它们是级别=2。 'g' 向 'f'(级别 2)报告,因此 'g' 的级别 = 3。请让我知道如何实现这个
df['Level'] = np.where(df['parent'] == 'a',"level 1",np.nan)
dfm1 = pd.Series(np.where(df['Level'] == 'level 1', df['parent'],None))
df.loc[df['parent'].isin(dfm1),'Level'] = "level 2"
这是一种使用 networkx
import networkx as nx
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df,"parent","child",create_using=nx.DiGraph())
f = lambda x: len(nx.ancestors(G,x))
df['level'] = df['child'].map(f)
child parent level
0 b a 1
1 c a 1
2 d b 2
3 e c 2
4 f c 2
5 g f 3
# We will build the tree of relationships, using a helper node class
class Node:
def __init__(self, value, parent=None, level=0):
self.value = value
self.parent = parent
self.level = level
self.children = []
def set_child(self, child):
child.level = self.level + 1
# Helper function to insert nodes
def insert(node, new_node):
if new_node.parent == node.value:
# if the new node is a child, insert it
# otherwise, iterate over the children until you find its parent
if node.children:
for child in node.children:
insert(child, new_node)
# gather the level information for the tree
def node_print(node, values=[]):
if node.parent:
values.append((node.value, node.parent, node.level))
for child in node.children:
values = node_print(child, values=values)
return values
# Now get the data and build the tree
data = """b a
c a
d b
e c
f c
g f"""
rows = [y.split() for y in data.split("\n")]
for index, (child, parent) in enumerate(rows):
if index == 0:
node = Node(value=parent)
child_node = Node(value=child, parent=parent)
insert(node, child_node)
output = pd.DataFrame(data=node_print(node, values=[]), columns=['child', 'parent', 'level']).sort_values(by='level')
child parent level
0 b a 1
2 c a 1
1 d b 2
3 e c 2
4 f c 2
5 g f 3