使用 numpy 将时间平均值恢复为即时值

Revert time averaged values to instant values with numpy

我有一个平均数量的 3D 场。现在我正在寻找一种 pythonic 方法来恢复平均以获得每个时间戳的瞬时值。注意:平均是从整个周期的开始进行的。它就像滚动平均值,window 大小适应要平均的值的索引。


import numpy as np

input_array = np.array([
       [0.      ],
       [0.5     ],
       [1.      ],
       [1.5     ],
       [2.      ],
       [2.5     ],
       [3.      ],
       [3.25    ],
       [3.3     ],
       [3.      ],

exp_result = de_average(input_array)

预期结果 exp_result 应如下所示:

exp_result= np.array([

像这样的东西应该有用。你的问题与反向 cumsum 问题非常相关,所以我使用了给定 here.

from itertools import tee 

def pairwise(iterable):
    "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
    a, b = tee(iterable)
    next(b, None)
    return zip(a, b)

def inverse_cumsum(cumulative):
    """ Inverse an array obtained by cumulative sum
       [1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45] -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] 
    yield cumulative[0]
    for a, b in pairwise(cumulative):
        yield b-a

def inverse_average(a, decimals=1):
   """ Inverse an array averaged (where each entry i is the average up to i) """ 
   deav = inverse_cumsum([a * (i + 1) for i, a in enumerate(a)])
   return np.array(list(deav)).round(decimals)


对于一维 numpy 数组:

import numpy as np

def de_average(input_array):
     timesteps = np.arange(1, input_array.shape[0] + 1).resize(-1, 1)
     _sum = timesteps.dot(input_array.T).diagonal()
     original = np.empty(input_array.shape, dtype=int)
     original[0,0] = _sum[0]
     original[1:,0] = _sum[1:] - _sum[:-1]
     return original


对于 2-D 和 3-D numpy 数组,尝试:

import numpy as np

# de-averages along axis 0
def de_average(input_array):
     _sum = np.apply_along_axis(
            lambda x:x*range(1, input_array.shape[0]+1), 
     original = np.array(input_array)
     original[1:] = _sum[1:] - _sum[:-1]
     return original.astype(int)