
Update multiple records in multiple properties in Generic Repository

我创建了一个存储库项目,这将有助于我的其他项目。 我想添加一个新的 method 来更新多个属性中的多个记录,但我不知道该怎么做。


Entity framework core

.Net 5

我试过的: 我已经创建了一个 method 将更新许多记录 但只有一个 属性 如下所示

public void UpdateMany<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filterExpression, Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> updateThe, object value) where TEntity : class
    // Get the records to be updated depending on the filter expression
    var recordsToBeUpdated = Context.Set<TEntity>().Where(filterExpression).ToList();

    // Update the selected records
    recordsToBeUpdated.ForEach(entity =>
                                   entity.GetType().GetProperty(updateThe.GetPropertyAccess().Name)?.SetValue(entity, value);




 public static void UpdateMany<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filterExpression, Action<TEntity> setProperty) where TEntity : class
     // Get the records to be updated depending on the filter expression
     var recordsToBeUpdated = Context.Set<TEntity>().Where(filterExpression).ToList();

     // Update the selected records


UpdateMany<Entity>(e => e.Foo == "Bar", e => e.SomeProperty = someValue);

UpdateMany<Entity>(e => e.Foo == "Bar", e => 
    e.SomeProperty = someValue;
    e.SomeOtherProperty = xyz;

取决于您的代码结构。您可以创建一个简单的 classstructrecord 来映射 属性 名称和您要设置的相应值。

class PropertyMap {
    public string PropertyName {get;set;}
    public object PropertyValue {get;set;}


var map = new List<PropertyMap>{
    new PropertyMap {
       PropertyName = nameof(Your_Property1),
       PropertyValue = "Jon Snow"
    new PropertyMap {
       PropertyName = nameof(Your_Property2),
       PropertyValue = 26


public void UpdateMany<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filterExpression, List<PropertyMap> maps) where TEntity : class
    // Get the records to be updated depending on the filter expression
    var recordsToBeUpdated = Context.Set<TEntity>().Where(filterExpression).ToList();
    var value = recordsToBeUpdated.FirstOrDefault();
   if(value != null){
     var properties = value.GetType().GetProperties();
     foreach (var entity in recordsToBeUpdated){
       foreach(map in maps){
           properties.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Name == map.PropertyName)?
                     .SetValue(entity, map.PropertyValue);

如果您可以使用 Newtonsoft.Json,您可以使用 JSON.

public void UpdateMany<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filterExpression, object value) where TEntity : class
    // Get the records to be updated depending on the filter expression
    var recordsToBeUpdated = Context.Set<TEntity>().Where(filterExpression).ToList();

    // Create the patch JSON
    var patch = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value);

    // Update the selected records
    recordsToBeUpdated.ForEach(entity =>
        JsonConvert.PopulateObject(patch, entity);