Telegram 的即时视图:无法加载 .webp 和 .ico 图像

Telegram's instant view: fails to load .webp and .ico images

我在尝试创建 Telegram 的即时视图模板时遇到问题,出现以下错误:

Resource fetch failed:
Resource fetch failed:

网址有效,我已经检查过了。 这是仅有的两个失败的图像。 IV 是否支持 *.webp 和 *.ico 图片?

根据他们的手册,Instant View 实际上只支持 gif、jpg 和 png。

with the attribute src and the optional attribute href to make the image clickable. Allowed formats: GIF, JPG, PNG (GIF would be converted into Video type by IV)

注意:您需要一个托管服务器来存储 PHP 脚本,一个免费的为我工作 (000Webhost)。



注意:我是 Instant View 和 XPath 的初学者,所以现在我只是在编写有效的代码。

# Find unsupported images
$imgs: //img[ends-with(@src, ".webp")]
$imgs+: //img[ends-with(@src, ".ico")]

# Temporary element to create the URLs and make calls to the conversion service
@html_to_dom: "<a>"

# For each unsupported image 
  $img: $@
  # Build de URL to request the image conversion service
  @set_attr(href, "", $img/@src): $tmp_tag/a
  # Make the request
  @load: $tmp_tag/a/@href
  # Change the src of the unsupported image to that of the converted image created by the conversion service
  @set_attr(src, $@//img/@src): $img

@remove: $tmp_tag

PHP 转换图像的脚本

为了处理 ICO 文件,我使用了 IcoFileLoader library, I found it thanks to this question . I just took the PHP files from the src directory and put them directly on my hosting, so I had to use a simple Autoloader.

    // The URL of the image to convert
    // If the url of the image is relative, you have 
    // to build it here, example $url = ''.$_GET['url'];
    $url = $_GET['url'];
    // File name
    $file_name = basename($url);
    // Directory where the image will be saved
    $dir = './';
    // File location
    $save_file_loc = $dir . $file_name;
    // Open file
    $fp = fopen($save_file_loc, 'wb');
    // Download the image using CURL
    $ch = curl_init($url);
    // Set options for a cURL transfer
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    // Close file
    // Load the image
    // ICO images need special handling
    if(str_ends_with($file_name, '.ico'))
        $loader = new IcoFileService;

        // You must define the size, I did the tests with a 16X16 favicon.
        $im = $loader->extractIcon($file_name, 16, 16);
    else if(str_ends_with($file_name, '.webp'))
        $im = imagecreatefromwebp($file_name);
    // Check if the image was loaded
         die('Unable to load image!');
    // Convert it to a png file
    imagepng($im, $file_name.'.png');

    // Delte the original image
    // "Return" the image in an HTML tag so that Instant View can handle it
    echo '<img src="' . $file_name . '.png">';

随意改进上面的代码,也许添加一些安全性,删除旧图像,使用其他库或 PHP 函数,在同一请求中接受多个图像等。