SQL- join不覆盖时如何添加直接对应ID的命名列

SQL- How to add in named columns directly corresponding to an ID when join doesn't cover them

我正在尝试根据日期、ID 和国家加入两个 table。 Table1多了一个直接对应ID列的列 table 1

| Date      | ID      |Country|ID name                 |Clicks
| ----------| --------|-------|------------------------|------- |
| 25/02/2021| 42587750|Spain  |Targeting Details Spain |5
| 26/02/2021| 42587750|Spain  |Targeting Details Spain |15

然而,另一个 table 跟踪国家的方式略有不同,所以它看起来像这样

Table 2
| Date      | ID      |Country|Clicks
| ----------| --------|-------|------|
| 25/02/2021| 42587750|Spain  |4
| 25/02/2021| 42587750|France |1
| 26/02/2021| 42587750|Spain  |13
| 26/02/2021| 42587750|Italy  |2

我想查看国家的所有案例,所以我目前已经完成了基于日期、ID 和国家的完整连接。但是,这会产生这样的数据

Date table1.ID table1.Country table2.ID table2.Country ID name table1.Clicks table2.clicks
25/02/2021 42587750 Spain 42587750 Spain Targeting Details Spain 5 4
26/02/2021 42587750 Spain 42587750 Spain Targeting Details Spain 15 13
25/02/2021 42587750 France 1
25/02/2021 42587750 Italy 1


from table1 full outer join table2 on table1.date=table2.date and table1.ID=table2.ID and table1.country=table2.country

当我加入的所有 3 件事都匹配时,我有所有正确的详细信息,但是当国家/地区不同时,我就没有 ID 名称了。



from table1 full outer join table2 on table1.date=table2.date and table1.ID=table2.ID 

我已经尝试使用 AVG 函数而不是 SUM 来计算点击次数,但没有奏效。

您的查询结构是否使用 coalesce()

select coalesce(t1.date, t2.date) as date,
       coalesce(t1.id, t2.id) as id,
       coalesce(t1.country, t2.country),
       coalesce(t1.idname, max(t1.idname) over (partition by coalesce(t1.id, t2.id)) as idname,
       t1.clicks, t2.clicks
from table1 t1 full outer join
     table2 t2
     on t1.date = t2.date and 
        t1.ID = t2.ID and
        t1.country = t2.country