ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'matches' of undefined at AppComponent_Template

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'matches' of undefined at AppComponent_Template

我在 运行 npm prerender


“prerender”:“ng 运行 universalTest:prerender --routesFile routes.txt”

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'matches' of undefined   
    at AppComponent_Template (main.js:1:3578009)   
    at executeTemplate (main.js:1:1184365)  
    at refreshView (main.js:1:1180793)  
    at refreshComponent (main.js:1:1197151)  
    at refreshChildComponents (main.js:1:1183043)  
    at refreshView (main.js:1:1183085)   
    at renderComponentOrTemplate (main.js:1:1184013)   
    at tickRootContext (main.js:1:1198860)  
    at detectChangesInRootView (main.js:1:1199254)   
    at RootViewRef.detectChanges (dist\un√ Prerendering routes to browser complete.
