
Custom Gutenberg block focuses on inner block when added to the editor


edit: (props) => {
 <div className="custom-block">
      [ 'core/columns', {'className': 'page-layout-columns columns is-multiline'}, [
        [ 'core/column', {'className': 'column is-two-thirds-desktop is-full-tablet is-full-mobile page-layout-main'},[['core/paragraph', {'placeholder': 'Main content area. Start typing to add content, or remove this default paragraph block and then add new blocks.'}]] ],
        [ 'core/column', {'className': 'column is-one-quarter-desktop is-full-tablet is-full-mobile page-layout-sidebar'},[['core/paragraph', {'placeholder': 'Sidebar content area. Start typing to add content, or remove this default paragraph block and then add new blocks.'}]]],

当这个块被添加到编辑器时,核心列块而不是块包装器被聚焦。我应该怎么做才能使块包装器成为初始焦点?非常感谢任何意见。 谢谢!

对于那些也有这个问题的人,有一个 属性 templateInsertUpdatesSelection={ false } 可以删除列块上的自动对焦。