如何在 React 中截断 Bootstrap Table 单元格中的文本?

How to truncate text in cell in Bootstrap Table in React?

我有一个 Bootstrap Table 组件,table 中的一个单元格是 URL。 URL 可能很长,所以我想用省略号自动截断它以适合单元格。

Here's an example of what the issue looks like.

您可以看到 URL 和 Table 超出了它们所在的 Card 组件的宽度。


    {this.state.previous_entries.map(pe =>
      <Card key={pe.listing.id}>
        <CustomToggle eventKey={pe.listing.id}>{[formatAddress(pe), pe.listing.createdAt]}</CustomToggle>
        <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={pe.listing.id}>
            <Table bordered style={{marginBottom: 0}}>
                  <td className="bg-light">URL</td>
                  <td colSpan="3">
                    <!-- THIS PART -->
                    <a href={pe.listing.url}>
                      <span style={{textOverflow: "ellipsis", overflow: "hidden", whiteSpace:"nowrap", position: "fixed", maxWidth: "14%"}}>{ pe.listing.url }</span>
                  <td className="bg-light">Monthly Rent</td>
                  <td>{ pe.listing.monthly_rent ? pe.listing.monthly_rent + "万円" : "N/A" }</td>
                  <td className="bg-light">礼金</td>
                  <td>{ pe.listing.reikin !== null ? (pe.listing.reikin !== 0 ? pe.listing.reikin + "ヶ月" : pe.listing.reikin) : "N/A" }</td>
                  <td className="bg-light">敷金</td>
                  <td>{ pe.listing.security_deposit !== null ? (pe.listing.security_deposit !== 0 ? pe.listing.security_deposit + "ヶ月" : pe.listing.security_deposit) : "N/A" }</td>
                  <td className="bg-light">面積</td>
                  <td>{ pe.listing.square_m ? pe.listing.square_m + "m²" : "N/A" }</td>
                  <td className="bg-light">Closest Station</td>
                  <td>{ pe.listing.closest_station ? pe.listing.closest_station : "N/A" }</td>
                  <td className="bg-light">Walking Time</td>
                  <td>{ pe.listing.walking_time ? pe.listing.walking_time + "分" : "N/A" }</td>
                  <td className="bg-light">Availability</td>
                  <td>{ pe.listing.availability ? pe.listing.availability : "N/A" }</td>
                  <td className="bg-light">Interest</td>
                  <td>{ pe.property.interest ? pe.property.interest : "N/A" }</td>

我的 'fix' 正在将 maxWidth: "14%" 样式添加到包含 URL 的范围中。但这并不是在所有情况下都有效,具体取决于 window 的大小。这是有道理的,因为它是一个静态值。

Here's what my 'fix' looks like.

有人知道自动截断 URL 以使 Table 不超过卡片的更好方法吗?

这种方法在涉及各种屏幕尺寸时更加灵活,因为您没有为 text-overflow 指定宽度。

table {
  table-layout: fixed;
  width: 100%;

td>a {
  display: block;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
  overflow: hidden;
  max-width: 100%;

td>a>span {
  white-space: nowrap;
    {this.state.previous_entries.map(pe =>
    <Card key={pe.listing.id}>
      <CustomToggle eventKey={pe.listing.id}>{[formatAddress(pe), pe.listing.createdAt]}</CustomToggle>
      <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={pe.listing.id}>
          <Table bordered style={{marginBottom: 0}}>
                <td className="bg-light">URL</td>
                <td colSpan="3">
                  <!-- THIS PART -->
                  <a href={pe.listing.url}>
                    <span style={{textOverflow: "ellipsis", overflow: "hidden", whiteSpace: "nowrap", position: "fixed", maxWidth: "14%"}}>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.</span>
                <td className="bg-light">Monthly Rent</td>
                <td>{ pe.listing.monthly_rent ? pe.listing.monthly_rent + "万円" : "N/A" }</td>
                <td className="bg-light">礼金</td>
                <td>{ pe.listing.reikin !== null ? (pe.listing.reikin !== 0 ? pe.listing.reikin + "ヶ月" : pe.listing.reikin) : "N/A" }</td>
                <td className="bg-light">敷金</td>
                <td>{ pe.listing.security_deposit !== null ? (pe.listing.security_deposit !== 0 ? pe.listing.security_deposit + "ヶ月" : pe.listing.security_deposit) : "N/A" }</td>
                <td className="bg-light">面積</td>
                <td>{ pe.listing.square_m ? pe.listing.square_m + "m²" : "N/A" }</td>
                <td className="bg-light">Closest Station</td>
                <td>{ pe.listing.closest_station ? pe.listing.closest_station : "N/A" }</td>
                <td className="bg-light">Walking Time</td>
                <td>{ pe.listing.walking_time ? pe.listing.walking_time + "分" : "N/A" }</td>
                <td className="bg-light">Availability</td>
                <td>{ pe.listing.availability ? pe.listing.availability : "N/A" }</td>
                <td className="bg-light">Interest</td>
                <td>{ pe.property.interest ? pe.property.interest : "N/A" }</td>