在 R 中识别 left_join 中的同义词

Recognizing synonyms in left_join in R

我有几个包含字符的相当大的数据 table,我想将它们与我的数据库中的条目结合起来。拼写通常不太正确,因此无法加入。 我知道没有办法创建一个同义词 table 来替换一些拼写错误的字符。但是有没有办法自动检测某些异常情况(参见下面的示例)?

我的数据 table 看起来与此类似:

data <- data.table(products=c("potatoe Chips", "potato Chips", "potato chips", "Potato-chips", "apple", "Apple", "Appl", "Apple Gala"))


characters.database <- data.table(products=c("Potato Chips", "Potato Chips Paprika", "Apple"), ID=c("1", "2", "3"))

目前,如果我执行 left_join 只有“Apple”会加入:

data <- data %>%
  left_join(characters.database, by = c('products'))


products ID
potatoe Chips NA
potato Chips NA
potato chips NA
Potato-chips NA
apple NA
Apple 3
Appl NA
Apple Gala NA

是否可以在 left_join 期间自动忽略:“大小写字母”、space“”、“-”和单词末尾的“e”?


products ID
potatoe Chips 1
potatoChips 1
potato chips 1
Potato-chips 1
apple 1
Apple 3
Appl 1
Apple Gala NA



  1. 我会去除所有特殊字符、小写所有字符、删除空格等。这会帮助很多(即薯片、薯片和薯片都转到“potatochips”,您可以然后加入)。
  2. 有一个名为 fuzzyjoin 的包,可以让您通过编辑距离等加入正则表达式。这将有助于解决 AppleApple Gala 和拼写错误等问题。

您可以去除特殊字符(只保留字母)+ 小写字母,例如:


string %>%
  str_remove_all("[^A-Za-z]+") %>%

感谢 Matt Kaye 的建议,我现在做了类似的事情。 由于我需要数据库中的正确拼写,并且我的一些字符包含相关的符号和数字,因此我执行了以下操作:

data <- data.table(products=c("potatoe Chips", "potato Chips", "potato chips", "Potato-chips", "apple", "Apple", "Appl", "Apple Gala"))
characters.database <- data.table(products=c("Potato Chips", "Potato Chips Paprika", "Apple"), ID=c("1", "2", "3"))

#remove spaces and capital letters in data
data <- data %>%
  mutate(products= tolower(products)) %>%
  mutate(products= gsub(" ", "", products))

#add ID to database
characters.database <- characters.database %>%
  dplyr::mutate(ID = row_number())

#remove spaces and capital letters in databasr product names
characters.database_syn <- characters.database %>%
  mutate(products= tolower(products)) %>%
  mutate(products= gsub(" ", "", products))

#join and add correct spelling from database
data <- data %>%
  left_join(characters.database_syn, by = c('products')) %>%
  select(product_syn=products, 'ID') %>%
  left_join(characters.database, by = c('ID'))

#other synonyms have to manually be corrected or with the help of a synonym table (As in MY data special caracters are relevant!)