
How to get iou of single class in keras semantic segmentation?

我正在使用 fchollet 的图像分割指南来执行语义分割。我试图通过将 8 位 img 掩码值标记为 1 和 2 来修改指南以适合我的数据集,就像在 Oxford Pets 数据集中一样。 (在class OxfordPets(keras.utils.Sequence):中会减去0和1)

问题是如何获得单个 class(例如 1)的 IoU 指标?

我尝试了 Stack Overflow 建议的不同指标,但大多数建议使用我尝试过的 MeanIoU,但结果是 nan loss。这是使用自动对比后的蒙版示例。 PIL.ImageOps.autocontrast(load_img(val_target_img_paths[i]))


此外,有人可以帮助 解释如何根据 y_truey_pred 计算指标得分吗? 我不太明白什么时候标签值用于 IoU 指标计算。

我当时也有类似的问题。我使用了 jaccard_distance_lossdice_metric。它们基于 IoU。我的任务是二元分割,所以我猜你可能需要修改代码以防你想将它用于多标签分类问题。

from keras import backend as K

def jaccard_distance_loss(y_true, y_pred, smooth=100):
    Jaccard = (|X & Y|)/ (|X|+ |Y| - |X & Y|)
            = sum(|A*B|)/(sum(|A|)+sum(|B|)-sum(|A*B|))
    The jaccard distance loss is usefull for unbalanced datasets. This has been
    shifted so it converges on 0 and is smoothed to avoid exploding or disapearing
    Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaccard_index
    @url: https://gist.github.com/wassname/f1452b748efcbeb4cb9b1d059dce6f96
    @author: wassname
    intersection = K.sum(K.sum(K.abs(y_true * y_pred), axis=-1))
    sum_ = K.sum(K.sum(K.abs(y_true) + K.abs(y_pred), axis=-1))
    jac = (intersection + smooth) / (sum_ - intersection + smooth)
    return (1 - jac) * smooth

def dice_metric(y_pred, y_true):
    intersection = K.sum(K.sum(K.abs(y_true * y_pred), axis=-1))
    union = K.sum(K.sum(K.abs(y_true) + K.abs(y_pred), axis=-1))
    # if y_pred.sum() == 0 and y_pred.sum() == 0:
    #     return 1.0

    return 2*intersection / union

# Example
size = 10

y_true = np.zeros(shape=(size,size))
y_true[3:6,3:6] = 1

y_pred = np.zeros(shape=(size,size))
y_pred[3:5,3:5] = 1

loss = jaccard_distance_loss(y_true,y_pred)

metric = dice_metric(y_pred,y_true)

print(f"loss: {loss}")
print(f"dice_metric: {metric}")

loss: 4.587155963302747
dice_metric: 0.6153846153846154