我坚持如何在 C++ 中使用一个人的名字和姓氏在双向链表中制作排序算法

I'm stuck on how to make a sorting algorithm in a doubly linked list using a person's first name and last name in C++

所以我制作了一个双向链表,其中存储了一个人的名字、姓氏、地址和年龄,目前我正在为该列表制作一个排序算法。到目前为止,我已经设法创建了 3 个函数,一个将节点添加到列表中,一个从列表中删除一个节点,另一个打印列表。 这是我到目前为止的结构:

    struct Node {
    string First_Name;
    string Last_Name;
    string Address;
    int age;
    Node* next;
    Node* prev;
} *first = 0, * last = 0;

addToList 函数:

void addToList()
    string temp = "Yes";
    string First_Name;
    string Last_Name;
    string Address;
    int age;
    Node* current = first;

    while (temp == "Yes") {

        cout << "Enter the persons first name: ";
        cin >> First_Name;
        cout << "Enter the persons last name: ";
        cin >> Last_Name;
        cout << "Enter the persons age: ";
        cin >> age;
        cout << "Enter the persons address: ";
        cin >> Address;
        cout << "Would you like to add another person? Yes or No";
        cin >> temp;

        current = new Node;
        current->First_Name = First_Name;
        current->Last_Name = Last_Name;
        current->age = age;
        current->Address = Address;
        if (last) last->next = current;
        else first = current;
        current->prev = last;
        current->next = 0;
        last = current;


void printList()
    if (!first)
        cout << "Nothing is present in the list." << endl;
    Node* current = first;
    while (current)
        cout << current->First_Name << " " << current->Last_Name << " " << current->age << " " << current->Address << endl;
        current = current->next;

我的问题是,我怎样才能按字母顺序对列表进行排序,我以前从未进行过排序... 谢谢!!

要对双向链表使用自定义排序,重载 operator<:

struct Person
  std::string first;
  std::string last;
  std::string address;
  unsigned int age;
  bool operator<(const Person& p) const
      bool is_less_than = false;
      if (last == p.last)
          is_less_than = first < p.first;
          is_less_than = last < p.last;
      return is_less_than;

现在您可以使用 std::list,它会自动按姓氏排序,然后是第一位。而std::list是一个双向链表。


  Person a;
  Person b;
  if (a < b)
     std::cout << "Person A < Person B\n";