
I need help understanding how this algorithm that finds smallest value of an array using recursion works

我目前正在学习数据结构并正在学习递归。下面发布的 code/algorithm 应该使用递归找到数组的最小值。但是,我无法理解它是如何工作的。我的老师的解释不是很有帮助,所以如果有人知道如何很好地解释这一点,我将不胜感激!

public class Recursive {

    public static int minimum(int array[], int first, int last) {
        int answer;
        int mid;
        int minFirst;
        int minSecond;
        if(first == last)
            return array[first];
        else {
            mid = (first + last) / 2;
            minFirst = minimum(array, first, mid);
            minSecond = minimum(array, mid + 1, last);
        if(minFirst < minSecond)
            answer = minFirst;
            answer = minSecond;
        return answer;



public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        int[] arr = {4,3,2,1};
        System.out.println("\nThe smallest element is : " +minimum(arr, 0, 3, 1));
    //this method finds smallest element within given range in an array
    public static int minimum(int array[], int first, int last, int indent) {
        //lets print what each recursion is working on
        int[] subArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(array, first, last+1);
        System.out.println(" ".repeat(indent) + "Invoked with: first=" 
                    + first + " last=" + last 
                    + " Array=" + Arrays.toString(subArray));
        int answer;
        int mid;
        int minFirst;
        int minSecond;
        if(first == last) {
            System.out.println(" ".repeat(indent) + "Selected " + array[first]);
            return array[first];
        else {
            //divide the range in half
            mid = (first + last) / 2;
            //find smallest element from first half
            minFirst = minimum(array, first, mid , indent + 3);
            //find smallest element from second half
            minSecond = minimum(array, mid + 1, last, indent +3);
        //select smallest element from both halves
        if(minFirst < minSecond)
            answer = minFirst;
            answer = minSecond;
        System.out.println(" ".repeat(indent) + "Selected " + answer + " from " + minFirst + ", " + minSecond);
        return answer;



 Invoked with: first=0 last=3 Array=[4, 3, 2, 1]
    Invoked with: first=0 last=1 Array=[4, 3]
       Invoked with: first=0 last=0 Array=[4]
       Selected 4
       Invoked with: first=1 last=1 Array=[3]
       Selected 3
    Selected 3 from 4, 3
    Invoked with: first=2 last=3 Array=[2, 1]
       Invoked with: first=2 last=2 Array=[2]
       Selected 2
       Invoked with: first=3 last=3 Array=[1]
       Selected 1
    Selected 1 from 2, 1
 Selected 1 from 3, 1

The smallest element is : 1

您也可以像 Eclipse 一样使用 IDE 的 debug feature

该方法在 firstlast 指定的范围内查找数组中的最小元素。所以 minimum(arr, 4, 6) 会在 arr[4]arr[5]arr[6] 中找到最小值。


如果firstlast相同,指定范围内只有一个元素,即array[first](或array[last],即一样)。最小的元素一定是那个元素,所以 return array[first].

否则,我们要将范围分成两半。为此,我们首先通过 (first + last) / 2 找到范围的中点 - 计算 firstlast 的平均值。那么两半是:

  • firstmid
  • mid + 1last


  • minimum(array, first, mid)
  • minimum(array, mid + 1, last)

我知道在我们还没有完成声明它的作用时如何使用 minimum 方法是违反直觉的,但是让我们相信自己 minimum 会做它应该做的- 找到最后两个参数指定的范围之间的最小值。

然后我们比较这些最小值。这些最小值中的较小者是整个范围内的最小元素(最后一个 if 语句在做什么)。




在这种特定情况下,简单的输入情况是当 'first' 和 'last' 彼此相等时:该方法的目的是 return 在其中找到的最小值从索引 'first' 开始到索引 'last' 结束的所有值。当 first 和 last 相等时,只有一个数字可供查看。那么,'what is the smallest number amongst this giant collection of.... 1 number' 就是……那个数字。那是微不足道的情况。


所有其他情况都通过首先再次调用您自己的方法来解决,但是使用修改后的输入 - 应该修改输入,以便它们以某种方式更接近边缘情况。有时,你多次调用自己的方法,但是 all 这样的调用必须保证 all 更接近普通情况,然后你组合单独的答案。


要从数字列表中找到最小的数字,首先,将数字列表分成大致相等的两部分。这些列表更小,因此也更简单,所以我们可以要求自己计算这些较小列表的答案 - 没关系,我们将它们移到了平凡的情况下,我们可以做到。然后,将获得的两个答案组合起来:只 return 最小的答案,将较大的答案分块。






import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class Recursive {

    private static AtomicInteger step = new AtomicInteger();

    public static int minimum(int array[], int first, int last) {
        int answer;
        int mid;
        int minFirst;
        int minSecond;
        int currentStep = step.incrementAndGet();
        System.out.println("=================== step: " + currentStep + "=============");
        int[] currentArray = new int[last - first];
        System.arraycopy(array, first, currentArray, 0, currentArray.length);
        System.out.println("current array(" + first + ", " + last + "): " + Arrays.toString(currentArray));
        System.out.print(String.format("first(%d) == last(%d): %b", first, last, first == last));
        if(first == last) {
            System.out.println(", so min = " + array[first]);
            return array[first];
        else {
            System.out.println(", so divide 2 the array");
            mid = (first + last) / 2;
            minFirst = minimum(array, first, mid);
            int minFirstStep = step.get();
            minSecond = minimum(array, mid + 1, last);
            int minSecondStep = step.get();
            System.out.print(String.format("compare min of step[%d] and step[%d]: %d < %d = %b",
                                           minFirst < minSecond));
        if(minFirst < minSecond)
            answer = minFirst;
            answer = minSecond;
        System.out.println(", so min = " + answer);
        return answer;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int array[] = {1, 4, 7, 8, 5, 2};
        int min = minimum(array, 0, array.length - 1);
        System.out.println("min is: " + min);



=================== step: 1=============
current array(0, 5): [1, 4, 7, 8, 5]
first(0) == last(5): false, so divide 2 the array
=================== step: 2=============
current array(0, 2): [1, 4]
first(0) == last(2): false, so divide 2 the array
=================== step: 3=============
current array(0, 1): [1]
first(0) == last(1): false, so divide 2 the array
=================== step: 4=============
current array(0, 0): []
first(0) == last(0): true, so min = 1
=================== step: 5=============
current array(1, 1): []
first(1) == last(1): true, so min = 4
compare min of step[4] and step[5]: 1 < 4 = true, so min = 1
=================== step: 6=============
current array(2, 2): []
first(2) == last(2): true, so min = 7
compare min of step[5] and step[6]: 1 < 7 = true, so min = 1
=================== step: 7=============
current array(3, 5): [8, 5]
first(3) == last(5): false, so divide 2 the array
=================== step: 8=============
current array(3, 4): [8]
first(3) == last(4): false, so divide 2 the array
=================== step: 9=============
current array(3, 3): []
first(3) == last(3): true, so min = 8
=================== step: 10=============
current array(4, 4): []
first(4) == last(4): true, so min = 5
compare min of step[9] and step[10]: 8 < 5 = false, so min = 5
=================== step: 11=============
current array(5, 5): []
first(5) == last(5): true, so min = 2
compare min of step[10] and step[11]: 5 < 2 = false, so min = 2
compare min of step[6] and step[11]: 1 < 2 = true, so min = 1
min is: 1