如何使用 Spring WebClient 进行非阻塞调用并在所有调用完成后发送电子邮件?

How to use Spring WebClient to make non-blocking calls and send email after all calls complete?

我正在使用 Spring 的“WebClient”和项目反应器对 URL 的列表进行非阻塞调用。我的要求是:

  1. 在 URL 个
  2. 的列表上异步调用 GET
  3. 在调用每个 URL 时记录 URL
  4. 记录导致异常的调用的 URL
  5. 记录成功调用的 URL
  6. 记录导致非 2xx HTTP 状态的调用的 URL
  7. 发送包含 URL 列表的电子邮件,其中调用导致异常或非 2xx HTTP 状态


List<Mono<ClientResponse>> restCalls = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> failedUrls = new ArrayList<>();    
for (String serviceUrl : serviceUrls.getServiceUrls()) {
                    .doOnSubscribe(c -> log.info("calling service URL {}", serviceUrl))
                    .doOnSuccess(response -> log.info("{} success status {}", serviceUrl, response.statusCode().toString()))
                    .doOnError(response -> {log.info("{} error status {}", serviceUrl, response); failedUrls.add(serviceUrl);}));
        .map((data) -> data.subscribe())
        .onErrorContinue((throwable, e) -> {
            log.info("Exception for URL {}", ((WebClientResponseException) throwable).getRequest().getURI());
        .subscribe((data) -> {
            log.info("all called");
            email.send("Failed URLs are {}", failedUrls);

问题是在呼叫响应之前发送了电子邮件。我如何才能等到 URL 的所有调用都完成后再调用 email.send


public void check() {
    List<Flux<String>> restCalls = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String serviceUrl : serviceUrls.getServiceUrls()) {
        restCalls.add(rest.getForEntity(serviceUrl, String.class));
            .map((data) -> data.blockFirst())
            .onErrorContinue((throwable, e) -> {
                ((WebClientResponseException) throwable).getRequest().getURI(); // get the failing URI
                // do whatever you need with the failed service

            .collectList() // Collects all the results into a list
            .subscribe((data) -> {
                // from here do whatever is needed from the results

所以如果你没有这样做,你的服务调用必须是非阻塞的,所以你应该把类型变成Flux。 所以在你的 restService 里面你的方法应该是这样的

public Flux<String> getForEntity(String name) {
    return this.webClient.get().uri("url", name)


                .doOnSubscribe(c -> log.info("calling service URL {}", serviceUrl))
                .doOnSuccess(response -> log.info("{} success status {}", serviceUrl, response.statusCode().toString()))
                .doOnError(response -> {log.info("{} error status {}", serviceUrl, response); failedUrls.add(serviceUrl);}));

                .map((data) -> data.subscribe())
                .onErrorContinue((throwable, e) -> {
                 log.info("Exception for URL {}", ((WebClientResponseException)                       throwable).getRequest().getURI());
                .subscribe((data) -> {
                log.info("all called");
                email.send("Failed URLs are {}", failedUrls);

如评论中所述,您的示例中的主要错误是使用 'subscribe',它启动查询,但在独立于主要流量的上下文中,因此您无法取回错误或结果。



package fr.amanin.Whosebug;

import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class WebfluxURLProcessing {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("example");

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        final List<String> urls = Arrays.asList("https://www.google.com", "https://kotlinlang.org/kotlin/is/wonderful/", "https://whosebug.com", "http://doNotexists.blabla");

        final Flux<ExchangeDetails> events = Flux.fromIterable(urls)
                // unwrap request async operations
                .flatMap(url -> request(url))
                // Add a side-effect to log results
                .doOnNext(details -> log(details))
                // Keep only results that show an error
                .filter(details -> details.status < 0 || !HttpStatus.valueOf(details.status).is2xxSuccessful());


     * Mock emails by collecting all events in a text and logging it.
     * @param report asynchronous flow of responses
    private static void sendEmail(Flux<ExchangeDetails> report) {
        final String formattedReport = report
                .map(details -> String.format("Error on %s. status: %d. Reason: %s", details.url, details.status, details.error.getMessage()))
                // collecting (or reducing, folding, etc.) allows to gather all upstream results to use them as a single value downstream.
                .collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator(), "REPORT:"+System.lineSeparator(), ""))
                // In a real-world scenario, replace this with a subscribe or chaining to another reactive operation.

    private static void log(ExchangeDetails details) {
        if (details.status >= 0 && HttpStatus.valueOf(details.status).is2xxSuccessful()) {
            LOGGER.info("Success on: "+details.url);
        } else {
                    "Status {0} on {1}. Reason: {2}",
                    new Object[]{
                            details.error == null ? "None" : details.error.getMessage()

    private static Mono<ExchangeDetails> request(String url) {
        return WebClient.create(url).get()
                // workaround to counter fail-fast behavior: create a special error that will be converted back to a result
                .onStatus(status -> !status.is2xxSuccessful(), cr -> cr.createException().map(err -> new RequestException(cr.statusCode(), err)))
                .map(response -> new ExchangeDetails(url, response.getStatusCode().value(), null))
                // Convert back custom error to result
                .onErrorResume(RequestException.class, err -> Mono.just(new ExchangeDetails(url, err.status.value(), err.cause)))
                // Convert errors that shut connection before server response (cannot connect, etc.) to a result
                .onErrorResume(Exception.class, err -> Mono.just(new ExchangeDetails(url, -1, err)));

    public static class ExchangeDetails {
        final String url;
        final int status;
        final Exception error;

        public ExchangeDetails(String url, int status, Exception error) {
            this.url = url;
            this.status = status;
            this.error = error;

    private static class RequestException extends RuntimeException {
        final HttpStatus status;
        final Exception cause;

        public RequestException(HttpStatus status, Exception cause) {
            this.status = status;
            this.cause = cause;