Salesforce 如何从内部方法更新父级 table 上的汇总摘要字段,该方法在子级持久化时触发

Salesforce How to update a roll-up summary field on parent table from inside method that gets triggered when child is persisted

I created a Commission object with field called commission_amount__c, This object has a master detail relationship with Contact. Contact Has a sum up field called Total_Commission__c which sums up all commission amounts from Commissions related to each Contact. I've put a trigger on Commission which calls the method updatePrimary. I want to get each persons total commission but when I query this inside updatePrimary I get the old value in the sumup field(total_commission) and not the new value with the new commission amount added. it hasn't summed up yet. Some help would be very much appreciated if possible.

trigger UpdatePrimaryTrigger on Commission__c (after insert, after update) {
        for(Commission__c c : Trigger.New) {
public class ContactHandler {
    public static void updatePrimary(Commission__c comIn){ 
        Contact receiverOfCommission = [Select Name, Total_commission__c
                                       FROM Contact
                                       Where Id = :comIn.Contact__c];

您在 save order of execution 中的位置错误。

在第 18 步更新父对象上的汇总摘要字段。after 在第 8 步执行触发器。
