
How can i delete an element from a map into a vector


我想通过 <algorithm> 函数只是为了更好地理解它们是如何工作的。


void remove_crashed_aircraft(std::unordered_map<const Aircraft*, size_t>& reserved_terminals, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Aircraft>>& aircrafts)
    auto it = std::all_of(reserved_terminals.begin(), reserved_terminals.end(), 
        [aircrafts](const Aircraft* a1){ return std::find_if(aircrafts.begin(), aircrafts.end(),
            [a1](std::unique_ptr<Aircraft> a2){ return a1==a2.get();});});


class Aircraft : public GL::Displayable, public GL::DynamicObject
    const AircraftType& type;
    const std::string flight_number;
    Point3D pos, speed; // note: the speed should always be normalized to length 'speed'
    WaypointQueue waypoints = {};
    Tower& control;
    bool landing_gear_deployed = false; // is the landing gear deployed?
    bool is_at_terminal        = false;
    int fuel                   = 0;

    // turn the aircraft to arrive at the next waypoint
    // try to facilitate reaching the waypoint after the next by facing the
    // right way to this end, we try to face the point Z on the line spanned by
    // the next two waypoints such that Z's distance to the next waypoint is
    // half our distance so: |w1 - pos| = d and [w1 - w2].normalize() = W and Z
    // = w1 + W*d/2
    void turn_to_waypoint();
    void turn(Point3D direction);

    // select the correct tile in the plane texture (series of 8 sprites facing
    // [North, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE])
    unsigned int get_speed_octant() const;
    // when we arrive at a terminal, signal the tower
    void arrive_at_terminal();
    // deploy and retract landing gear depending on next waypoints
    void operate_landing_gear();
    void add_waypoint(const Waypoint& wp, const bool front);
    bool is_on_ground() const { return pos.z() < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD; }
    float max_speed() const { return is_on_ground() ? type.max_ground_speed : type.max_air_speed; }
    bool is_paused = false;

    Aircraft(const Aircraft&) = delete;
    Aircraft& operator=(const Aircraft&) = delete;

    Aircraft(const AircraftType& type_, const std::string_view& flight_number_, const Point3D& pos_,
             const Point3D& speed_, Tower& control_, int fuel_) :
        GL::Displayable { pos_.x() + pos_.y() },
        type { type_ },
        flight_number { flight_number_ },
        pos { pos_ },
        speed { speed_ },
        control { control_ },
        fuel { fuel_ }

    const std::string& get_flight_num() const { return flight_number; }
    float distance_to(const Point3D& p) const { return pos.distance_to(p); }
    bool is_circling() const 
        if (!has_terminal() && !is_at_terminal)
            return true;
        return false;
    bool has_terminal() const 
        if (waypoints.empty())
            return false;
            return waypoints.back().type == wp_terminal;
    bool is_low_on_fuel() const 
        if (fuel<200)
            return true;
            return false;
    void display() const override;
    bool move() override;
    void refill(int& fuel_stock);

    friend class Tower;
    friend class AircraftManager;


use of deleted function ‘std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::unique_ptr(const std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>&) [with _Tp = Aircraft; _Dp = std::default_delete<Aircraft>]’

static assertion failed: result type must be constructible from value type of input range


首先,你必须使用std::remove_if, because std::all_of returns bool,而不是迭代器。但是 std::remove_if 做你想做的,它删除所有匹配 bool 谓词的实例。

其次,您的编译错误出现是因为您到处都按值传递,所以不是 (std::unique_ptr<Aircraft> a2) 传递引用 (std::unique_ptr<Aircraft> const & a2),而是 [aircrafts][a1] 传递 [&aircrafts][&a1].

第三,内部谓词不应该只是 return std::find_if(returns 迭代器)的结果,而是 return bool 的结果,即比较结果find_if 到 aircrafts.end().

如果需要,可以优化算法的速度,因为您必须将 std::vector 转换为 std::unordered_set,然后遍历第一个映射并检查第二个集合中的包含。如果你没有太多的元素并且速度不是很重要那么你的算法就可以了。


void remove_crashed_aircraft(
    std::unordered_map<const Aircraft*, size_t>& reserved_terminals,
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Aircraft>>& aircrafts
) {
    std::remove_if(reserved_terminals.begin(), reserved_terminals.end(), 
        [&aircrafts](auto const & a1){
            return std::find_if(aircrafts.begin(), aircrafts.end(),
                [&a1](auto const & a2){ return a1.first == a2.get(); })
                == aircrafts.end();