
Ternary Operator and lazy evaluation

三元运算符是惰性求值的一个例子吗? 如果我们假设代码片段如下: 变量=条件?函数 1(参数):函数 2(参数); 能不能算个惰性求值的例子?

在大多数语言中 - 是的,它是延迟计算的。然而情况并不一定如此。来自 Wikipedia:

Note that some languages may evaluate 'both' the true- and false-expressions, even though only one or the other will be assigned to the variable. This means that if the true- or false-expression contain a function call, that function may be called and executed (causing any related side-effects due to the function's execution), regardless of whether or not its result will be used.

例如,在 Delphi 中,它不是惰性求值的:

Unlike a true ternary operator however, both of the results are evaluated prior to performing the comparison. For example, if one of the results is a call to a function which inserts a row into a database table, that function will be called whether or not the condition to return that specific result is met.