Forcing the edge between subgraphs to go left or right
我有一个 PATRICA 特里树,我正在为其生成一个 GraphViz 文件。内部节点是跳跃值,边缘是虚线 0 和实心 1。0 最好在 1 的左边,给出叶子的字母顺序。我重新安排了访问图表的顺序,因此 dot
给出了这个结果。但是,当我使用子图将它们分组在森林中的树中时,我似乎无法强制 dot
digraph {
node [shape = box, style = filled, fillcolor = lightsteelblue];
// forest size 2.
subgraph cluster_tree0 {
style = filled; fillcolor = lightgray; label = "tree 0";
// branches
branch0_0 [label = "3", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_0 -> branch0_1;
branch0_1 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_1 -> branch0_2 [style = dashed];
branch0_2 [label = "1", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_2 -> leaf0_1 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch0_2 -> leaf0_2 [color = royalblue];
branch0_1 -> branch0_3;
branch0_3 [label = "2", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_3 -> leaf0_3 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch0_3 -> leaf0_4 [color = royalblue];
// leaves
leaf0_1 [label = "u"];
leaf0_2 [label = "v"];
leaf0_3 [label = "x"];
leaf0_4 [label = "y"];
branch0_0 -> branch1_0 [lhead = cluster_tree0, ltail = cluster_tree1, color = firebrick, style = dashed];
subgraph cluster_tree1 {
style = filled; fillcolor = lightgray; label = "tree 1";
// branches
branch1_0 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_0 -> leaf1_0 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_0 -> branch1_1;
branch1_1 [label = "1", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_1 -> leaf1_1 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_1 -> branch1_2;
branch1_2 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_2 -> leaf1_2 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_2 -> leaf1_3 [color = royalblue];
// leaves
leaf1_0 [label = "f"];
leaf1_1 [label = "m"];
leaf1_2 [label = "n"];
leaf1_3 [label = "o"];
我颠倒了文件中的顺序,它看起来还是一样。我玩弄它,我可以通过 rank=same
和 invis
边缘以某种方式将其翻转,但我希望它是程序化的。有什么简单的方法可以将代表 0 的红色虚线绘制到代表 1 的实线的左侧而不是右侧?
digraph {
newrank=true // helps
graph [splines=false]
node [shape = box, style = filled, fillcolor = lightsteelblue];
// forest size 2.
subgraph cluster_tree1 {
style = filled; fillcolor = lightgray; label = "tree 1";
// branches
branch1_0 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_0 -> leaf1_0 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_0 -> branch1_1;
branch1_1 [label = "1", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_1 -> leaf1_1 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_1 -> branch1_2;
branch1_2 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_2 -> leaf1_2 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_2 -> leaf1_3 [color = royalblue];
// leaves
leaf1_0 [label = "f"];
leaf1_1 [label = "m"];
leaf1_2 [label = "n"];
leaf1_3 [label = "o"];
subgraph cluster_tree0 {
style = filled; fillcolor = lightgray; label = "tree 0";
// branches
branch0_0 [label = "3", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_0 -> branch0_1;
branch0_1 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_1 -> branch0_2 [style = dashed];
branch0_2 [label = "1", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_2 -> leaf0_1 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch0_2 -> leaf0_2 [color = royalblue];
branch0_1 -> branch0_3;
branch0_3 [label = "2", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_3 -> leaf0_3 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch0_3 -> leaf0_4 [color = royalblue];
// leaves
leaf0_1 [label = "u"];
leaf0_2 [label = "v"];
leaf0_3 [label = "x"];
leaf0_4 [label = "y"];
// position the clusters (trees)
{rank=same branch1_0 -> branch0_1 [style=invis weight=0]}
// a kludge, we'll add this edge in later
graph [comment="branch0_0 -> branch1_0 [color = firebrick, style = dashed constraint=false weight=0 ];"]
运行 这个输入到 dot -Tdot >myfile.dot。这会设置所有节点和边的位置。
运行 通过 gawk(任何语言)取消对注释分支的注释并插入到文件中。
最后,neato -n2 -Tpng fixedfile >fixed.png
T=png; F=`basename $f .gv`;dot -Tdot $f >$F.dot;
gawk '
sub(/[\t ]*comment="/,"")
sub(/"[\],;]?[\t ]*$/,"")
for (i=1;i<o;i++)print oline[i]
for (i=1;i<=a;i++)print add[i]
print oline[o]
}' $F.dot|
neato -n2 -Tpng >$F.$T
firefox $F.$T
我有一个 PATRICA 特里树,我正在为其生成一个 GraphViz 文件。内部节点是跳跃值,边缘是虚线 0 和实心 1。0 最好在 1 的左边,给出叶子的字母顺序。我重新安排了访问图表的顺序,因此 dot
给出了这个结果。但是,当我使用子图将它们分组在森林中的树中时,我似乎无法强制 dot
digraph {
node [shape = box, style = filled, fillcolor = lightsteelblue];
// forest size 2.
subgraph cluster_tree0 {
style = filled; fillcolor = lightgray; label = "tree 0";
// branches
branch0_0 [label = "3", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_0 -> branch0_1;
branch0_1 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_1 -> branch0_2 [style = dashed];
branch0_2 [label = "1", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_2 -> leaf0_1 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch0_2 -> leaf0_2 [color = royalblue];
branch0_1 -> branch0_3;
branch0_3 [label = "2", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_3 -> leaf0_3 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch0_3 -> leaf0_4 [color = royalblue];
// leaves
leaf0_1 [label = "u"];
leaf0_2 [label = "v"];
leaf0_3 [label = "x"];
leaf0_4 [label = "y"];
branch0_0 -> branch1_0 [lhead = cluster_tree0, ltail = cluster_tree1, color = firebrick, style = dashed];
subgraph cluster_tree1 {
style = filled; fillcolor = lightgray; label = "tree 1";
// branches
branch1_0 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_0 -> leaf1_0 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_0 -> branch1_1;
branch1_1 [label = "1", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_1 -> leaf1_1 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_1 -> branch1_2;
branch1_2 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_2 -> leaf1_2 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_2 -> leaf1_3 [color = royalblue];
// leaves
leaf1_0 [label = "f"];
leaf1_1 [label = "m"];
leaf1_2 [label = "n"];
leaf1_3 [label = "o"];
我颠倒了文件中的顺序,它看起来还是一样。我玩弄它,我可以通过 rank=same
和 invis
边缘以某种方式将其翻转,但我希望它是程序化的。有什么简单的方法可以将代表 0 的红色虚线绘制到代表 1 的实线的左侧而不是右侧?
digraph {
newrank=true // helps
graph [splines=false]
node [shape = box, style = filled, fillcolor = lightsteelblue];
// forest size 2.
subgraph cluster_tree1 {
style = filled; fillcolor = lightgray; label = "tree 1";
// branches
branch1_0 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_0 -> leaf1_0 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_0 -> branch1_1;
branch1_1 [label = "1", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_1 -> leaf1_1 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_1 -> branch1_2;
branch1_2 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch1_2 -> leaf1_2 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch1_2 -> leaf1_3 [color = royalblue];
// leaves
leaf1_0 [label = "f"];
leaf1_1 [label = "m"];
leaf1_2 [label = "n"];
leaf1_3 [label = "o"];
subgraph cluster_tree0 {
style = filled; fillcolor = lightgray; label = "tree 0";
// branches
branch0_0 [label = "3", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_0 -> branch0_1;
branch0_1 [label = "0", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_1 -> branch0_2 [style = dashed];
branch0_2 [label = "1", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_2 -> leaf0_1 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch0_2 -> leaf0_2 [color = royalblue];
branch0_1 -> branch0_3;
branch0_3 [label = "2", shape = none, fillcolor = none];
branch0_3 -> leaf0_3 [style = dashed, color = royalblue];
branch0_3 -> leaf0_4 [color = royalblue];
// leaves
leaf0_1 [label = "u"];
leaf0_2 [label = "v"];
leaf0_3 [label = "x"];
leaf0_4 [label = "y"];
// position the clusters (trees)
{rank=same branch1_0 -> branch0_1 [style=invis weight=0]}
// a kludge, we'll add this edge in later
graph [comment="branch0_0 -> branch1_0 [color = firebrick, style = dashed constraint=false weight=0 ];"]
运行 这个输入到 dot -Tdot >myfile.dot。这会设置所有节点和边的位置。
运行 通过 gawk(任何语言)取消对注释分支的注释并插入到文件中。
最后,neato -n2 -Tpng fixedfile >fixed.png
T=png; F=`basename $f .gv`;dot -Tdot $f >$F.dot;
gawk '
sub(/[\t ]*comment="/,"")
sub(/"[\],;]?[\t ]*$/,"")
for (i=1;i<o;i++)print oline[i]
for (i=1;i<=a;i++)print add[i]
print oline[o]
}' $F.dot|
neato -n2 -Tpng >$F.$T
firefox $F.$T