在 Fortran 函数中重新实现 Bessel 函数导致无限循环
Reimplementing Bessel Function in Fortran Function Causing Infinite Looping
因此,作为一项任务,我的任务是编写一个函数,当给定一个 x 时,它会从中计算相应的一阶贝塞尔函数。等式如下:https://youtu.be/vBOYr3m2M8E?t=48(抱歉没有足够的声誉来 post 一张照片)。
尽管我的条件是,当第 r 个求和值小于某个 epsilon(do-while 代码)时,我的实现仍在无限进行,数学上最终应该失败(因为当 n 接近无穷大时,n!(n+1 )!>> (x/2)^n).我已经通过在执行后暂停来追踪我可以输入的内容,并且在大约第 5 次迭代后我注意到我的程序计算了一个不正确的值(-67 而不是 40)但是我很困惑为什么会发生这种情况,特别是因为它最初有效.我还在网上搜索了示例,所以我知道有一个图书馆可以为我做这件事,但这违背了作业的目的。我希望有人能指出为什么会发生这种情况,如果我的实施在任何其他方面不正确,也可能会告诉我。
implicit none
real (kind = 8) :: x, eps, current, numerator, iteration
integer :: counter, m, denominator
eps = 1.E-3
counter = 0
m = 1
print*, 'What is your x value? '
read*, x
current = 1/factorial(m)
print*, current
if (abs(((x / 2) ** m) * current) < eps) THEN
counter = 1
current = ((x / 2) ** m) * current
print*, current
counter = 1
iteration = current
do while(abs(iteration) > eps)
numerator = ((-1) ** counter) * ((x / 2) ** (counter * 2))
denominator = (factorial(counter) * factorial(counter + m))
iteration = (numerator / denominator)
current = current + iteration
counter = counter + 1
print*, counter
print*, current
end do
current = ((x / 2) ** m) * current
end if
recursive function factorial(n) result(f)
integer :: f, n
if (n == 1 .or. n == 0) THEN
f = 1
f = n * factorial(n - 1)
end if
end function factorial
end program bessel
这里是对 J0(x) 的无穷级数求和的概念验证(默认实数)。如果你能解释代码,欢迎你用于你的任务;特别是,我没有评论的台词。
警告:不要使用 gfortran 的 -ffast-math 选项编译此代码。
! Define a named constant for default real.
module mytypes
implicit none ! Always include this line
private ! Make everything private
public sp ! Expose only sp
integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.e0) ! Default real
end module mytypes
! Compute the zeroth order Bessel of real argument via summation. This
! uses direct summation of the J0(x) = a0 + a1 + a2 + ..., which is not
! a good idea for |x| > 2 due to catastrophic cancellation. This also
! has really bad results near zeros of J0(x).
module bessel
use mytypes, only : sp
implicit none ! Always include this line
private ! Make everything private
public j0f ! Expose only j0f
impure elemental function j0f(x) result(res)
real(sp) res
real(sp), intent(in) :: x
integer m, n
real(sp), volatile, save :: tiny = 1.e-30_sp
real(sp) a0, c, t, y, z2
z2 = abs(x)
if (z2 < scale(1._sp, -digits(z2)/2)) then
res = 1 - tiny
end if
z2 = (z2 / 2)**2
a0 = 1
if (x < 2) then
c = 0
res = a0
do m = 1, 5
a0 = - z2 * a0 / m**2
y = a0 - c
t = res + y
c = (t - res) - y
res = t
end do
if (x < 1) return
a0 = - z2 * a0 / m**2
y = a0 - c
t = res + y
c = (t - res) - y
res = t
m = m + 1
a0 = - z2 * a0 / m**2
y = a0 - c
t = res + y
c = (t - res) - y
res = t
n = 4 * x
c = 0
res = a0
do m = 1, n
a0 = - z2 * a0 / m**2
y = a0 - c
t = res + y
c = (t - res) - y
res = t
end do
end if
end function j0f
end module bessel
program foo
use bessel, only : j0f
use mytypes, only : sp
integer, parameter :: n = 100
integer i
real(sp) e(n), j(n), x(n)
real(sp), parameter :: xmax = 10
x = [(i, i = 0, n - 1)] * (xmax / (n - 1))
e = bessel_j0(x)
j = j0f(x)
do i = 1, n
write(*,'(3F12.7,ES12.4)') x(i), e(i), j(i), &
& abs((e(i) - j(i)) / e(i)) / epsilon(1._sp)
end do
end program foo
因此,作为一项任务,我的任务是编写一个函数,当给定一个 x 时,它会从中计算相应的一阶贝塞尔函数。等式如下:https://youtu.be/vBOYr3m2M8E?t=48(抱歉没有足够的声誉来 post 一张照片)。 尽管我的条件是,当第 r 个求和值小于某个 epsilon(do-while 代码)时,我的实现仍在无限进行,数学上最终应该失败(因为当 n 接近无穷大时,n!(n+1 )!>> (x/2)^n).我已经通过在执行后暂停来追踪我可以输入的内容,并且在大约第 5 次迭代后我注意到我的程序计算了一个不正确的值(-67 而不是 40)但是我很困惑为什么会发生这种情况,特别是因为它最初有效.我还在网上搜索了示例,所以我知道有一个图书馆可以为我做这件事,但这违背了作业的目的。我希望有人能指出为什么会发生这种情况,如果我的实施在任何其他方面不正确,也可能会告诉我。
implicit none
real (kind = 8) :: x, eps, current, numerator, iteration
integer :: counter, m, denominator
eps = 1.E-3
counter = 0
m = 1
print*, 'What is your x value? '
read*, x
current = 1/factorial(m)
print*, current
if (abs(((x / 2) ** m) * current) < eps) THEN
counter = 1
current = ((x / 2) ** m) * current
print*, current
counter = 1
iteration = current
do while(abs(iteration) > eps)
numerator = ((-1) ** counter) * ((x / 2) ** (counter * 2))
denominator = (factorial(counter) * factorial(counter + m))
iteration = (numerator / denominator)
current = current + iteration
counter = counter + 1
print*, counter
print*, current
end do
current = ((x / 2) ** m) * current
end if
recursive function factorial(n) result(f)
integer :: f, n
if (n == 1 .or. n == 0) THEN
f = 1
f = n * factorial(n - 1)
end if
end function factorial
end program bessel
这里是对 J0(x) 的无穷级数求和的概念验证(默认实数)。如果你能解释代码,欢迎你用于你的任务;特别是,我没有评论的台词。
警告:不要使用 gfortran 的 -ffast-math 选项编译此代码。
! Define a named constant for default real.
module mytypes
implicit none ! Always include this line
private ! Make everything private
public sp ! Expose only sp
integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.e0) ! Default real
end module mytypes
! Compute the zeroth order Bessel of real argument via summation. This
! uses direct summation of the J0(x) = a0 + a1 + a2 + ..., which is not
! a good idea for |x| > 2 due to catastrophic cancellation. This also
! has really bad results near zeros of J0(x).
module bessel
use mytypes, only : sp
implicit none ! Always include this line
private ! Make everything private
public j0f ! Expose only j0f
impure elemental function j0f(x) result(res)
real(sp) res
real(sp), intent(in) :: x
integer m, n
real(sp), volatile, save :: tiny = 1.e-30_sp
real(sp) a0, c, t, y, z2
z2 = abs(x)
if (z2 < scale(1._sp, -digits(z2)/2)) then
res = 1 - tiny
end if
z2 = (z2 / 2)**2
a0 = 1
if (x < 2) then
c = 0
res = a0
do m = 1, 5
a0 = - z2 * a0 / m**2
y = a0 - c
t = res + y
c = (t - res) - y
res = t
end do
if (x < 1) return
a0 = - z2 * a0 / m**2
y = a0 - c
t = res + y
c = (t - res) - y
res = t
m = m + 1
a0 = - z2 * a0 / m**2
y = a0 - c
t = res + y
c = (t - res) - y
res = t
n = 4 * x
c = 0
res = a0
do m = 1, n
a0 = - z2 * a0 / m**2
y = a0 - c
t = res + y
c = (t - res) - y
res = t
end do
end if
end function j0f
end module bessel
program foo
use bessel, only : j0f
use mytypes, only : sp
integer, parameter :: n = 100
integer i
real(sp) e(n), j(n), x(n)
real(sp), parameter :: xmax = 10
x = [(i, i = 0, n - 1)] * (xmax / (n - 1))
e = bessel_j0(x)
j = j0f(x)
do i = 1, n
write(*,'(3F12.7,ES12.4)') x(i), e(i), j(i), &
& abs((e(i) - j(i)) / e(i)) / epsilon(1._sp)
end do
end program foo