在 pyspark 数据帧上减少和 Lambda

Reduce and Lambda on pyspark dataframe

下面是来自 https://graphframes.github.io/graphframes/docs/_site/user-guide.html


我唯一感到困惑的是条件函数中“lit(0)”的目的 如果这个“lit(0)”意味着输入“cnt”?如果是,为什么它在 ["ab","bc","cd"] 之后?

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, lit, when
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
from graphframes.examples import Graphs
from functools import reduce

chain4 = g.find("(a)-[ab]->(b); (b)-[bc]->(c); (c)-[cd]->(d)")


sumFriends = lambda cnt,relationship: when(relationship == "friend", cnt+1).otherwise(cnt)

condition = reduce(lambda cnt,e: sumFriends(cnt, col(e).relationship), ["ab", "bc", "cd"], lit(0))

chainWith2Friends2 = chain4.where(condition >= 2)

lit(0)reduce 语句的 initializer。您需要用 cnt = 0 初始化 sumFriends 计数器才能开始计数。

condition = reduce(lambda cnt,e: sumFriends(cnt, col(e).relationship), ["ab", "bc", "cd"], lit(0))

# should be equivalent to

condition = sumFriends(lit(0), col("ab").relationship)
condition = sumFriends(condition, col("bc").relationship)
condition = sumFriends(condition, col("cd").relationship)