使用 Slurm 和 Singularity 时缺少 'stdout' 文件

Missing 'stdout' file when using Slurm and Singularity

我想使用 Nextflow 创建将由 Slurm 作业调度程序执行的奇点组件管道。 我创建了一个简单的工作 运行 只是一个任务:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

process createGroups {

  executor = 'slurm'
  queue = 'upgrade'
  memory = '10 GB'
  time = '30 min'
  cpus = 8
  clusterOptions = '--workdir /path/to/the/singularity/image'
    singularity run ...

作业成功执行并给出退出状态 0,但 Nextflow 出现“缺少 'stdout' 文件”错误。有完整的输出:

Error executing process > 'createGroups'

Caused by:
  Missing 'stdout' file: .../work/89/449f849ffc77a967be91ed994da860/.command.out for process > createGroups

Command executed:
executor >  slurm (1)
[89/449f84] process > createGroups [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 ✘
Error executing process > 'createGroups'

Caused by:
  Missing 'stdout' file: .../work/89/449f849ffc77a967be91ed994da860/.command.out for process > createGroups

Command executed:

  singularity run ...

Command exit status:

Command output:

Work dir:

Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option `-resume` to the run command line


更新: 使用 slurm 的 --workdir 参数会导致该错误。我只是使用“cd”命令更改路径,它解决了我的问题。

最好避免手动调用 Singularity,就像在您的脚本块中一样。假设 Singularity 将在队列中每个 execution/compute 节点上的 $PATH 中,那么,例如,您需要的是:


process {

  executor = 'slurm'

singularity {

  enabled = true
  cacheDir = '/path/to/containers'

然后,您的 nextflow 脚本将如下所示:

process bwa_mem {

    container = 'quay.io/biocontainers/bwa:0.7.17--h5bf99c6_8'

    queue = 'upgrade'

    cpus = 8
    memory = '10 GB'
    time = '30.m'

    bwa mem
