C# "Inheriting" 静态方法?
C# "Inheriting" Static Methods?
abstract class DoSomething
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You asked the abstract class to work. Too bad.");
class InspireMe : DoSomething
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You are amazing.");
class InsultMe : DoSomething
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You aren't worth it.");
class Program
static void Main()
DoSomething worker = InsultMe;
worker = InspireMe;
我来自 Python 背景,其中方法本身可以是一个变量,然后可以调用它。看起来 C# 没有这个概念,但我正在尝试完成类似的事情。
我的想法是我想要一个可以是抽象类型的变量,以便其中可以存在许多不同种类的子类型。所有这些子类型都有特定的方法。我希望能够将这些子类型中的任何一个分配给抽象类型的这个变量,然后调用子类型中存在的 static 方法。
在 C# 术语中,我希望能够将 class 分配给变量,而不是 实例 class,然后调用 class 的静态方法。
工厂听起来可能在正确的道路上,但我不确定工厂本身如何能够生成对 class(而不是创建实例)。
我可以修改它以使用实例,但假设我想要生成每种类型的 classes 的静态方法,所有这些仍然继承自基本类型。
我觉得最有可能做到这一点 - 有人能给我建议吗?
在您所描述的意义上,您不能在 C# 中使用 class 作为变量。反射本质上允许您将类型视为变量并动态调用它们的静态成员,但它会很混乱并且不安全。
interface IDoSomething
void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo();
class DoSomething : IDoSomething
private DoSomething() {}
internal static readonly IDoSomething Instance;
static DoSomething()
Instance = new DoSomething();
public void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You asked the abstract class to work. Too bad.");
class InspireMe : IDoSomething
private InspireMe() {}
internal static readonly IDoSomething Instance;
static InspireMe()
Instance = new InspireMe();
public void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You are amazing.");
class InsultMe : IDoSomething
private InsultMe() {}
internal static readonly IDoSomething Instance;
static InsultMe()
Instance = new InsultMe();
public void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You aren't worth it.");
class Program
static void Main()
IDoSomething worker = InsultMe.Instance;
worker = InspireMe.Instance;
C# 和 Java 都不能让您覆盖静态基 class 方法。
但是,您似乎正在使用对对象的引用(您的 worker
变量),那么为什么不使用非静态 class 方法呢?
我不是 100% 确定这就是您想要的,但我写了一个模拟 Prototypal inheritance in C#.
public class Foo: ProtoObject {}
public class Bar: Foo {}
dynamic myFoo = new Foo();
dynamic yourFoo = new Foo();
dynamic myBar = new Bar();
myFoo.Prototype.Name = "Josh";
myFoo.Prototype.SayHello = new Action(s => Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + s));
yourFoo.SayHello(myBar.Name); // 'Hello, Josh'
这当然涉及大量使用 dynamic
类 除了实例之外,您真正想要的是对具有特定签名的方法的引用,在您的情况下 void ()
虽然不能将静态 class 分配给变量,但可以以类型安全的方式将方法分配给变量。在 C# 中,您通常会使用 Action
or Func
为了让它更有趣一点,假设您想要引用类似 int Foo(string, bool)
的内容,只需使用 Func<string,bool,int>
class DoSomething
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You asked the abstract class to work. Too bad.");
class InspireMe
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You are amazing.");
class InsultMe
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You aren't worth it.");
class Program
static void Main()
Action worker = InsultMe.DoWhateverItIsThatIDo;
worker = InspireMe.DoWhateverItIsThatIDo;
一种变通方法可能是在基本抽象 class 中声明类型 Action
的 属性,它包含要调用的方法。然后在派生 classes 实例化期间初始化此 属性,方法是调用基 class 构造函数:
abstract class DoSomething
public Action DoWhateverItIsThatIDo { get; set; }
protected DoSomething() { DoWhateverItIsThatIDo = DoSomething.DoIt; }
protected DoSomething(Action whatAction)
DoWhateverItIsThatIDo = whatAction;
protected static void DoIt()
Console.WriteLine("You asked the abstract class to work. Too bad.");
class InspireMe : DoSomething
public InspireMe() : base(InspireMe.DoIt) { }
private static void DoIt()
Console.WriteLine("You are amazing.");
class InsultMe : DoSomething
public InsultMe() : base(InsultMe.DoIt) { }
private static void DoIt()
Console.WriteLine("You aren't worth it.");
class DoWhatBaseClassDoes : DoSomething
public DoWhatBaseClassDoes() : base() {}
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DoSomething worker = new InsultMe();
worker = new InspireMe();
// In this case base class method is invoked
worker = new DoWhatBaseClassDoes();
abstract class DoSomething
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You asked the abstract class to work. Too bad.");
class InspireMe : DoSomething
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You are amazing.");
class InsultMe : DoSomething
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You aren't worth it.");
class Program
static void Main()
DoSomething worker = InsultMe;
worker = InspireMe;
我来自 Python 背景,其中方法本身可以是一个变量,然后可以调用它。看起来 C# 没有这个概念,但我正在尝试完成类似的事情。
我的想法是我想要一个可以是抽象类型的变量,以便其中可以存在许多不同种类的子类型。所有这些子类型都有特定的方法。我希望能够将这些子类型中的任何一个分配给抽象类型的这个变量,然后调用子类型中存在的 static 方法。
在 C# 术语中,我希望能够将 class 分配给变量,而不是 实例 class,然后调用 class 的静态方法。
工厂听起来可能在正确的道路上,但我不确定工厂本身如何能够生成对 class(而不是创建实例)。
我可以修改它以使用实例,但假设我想要生成每种类型的 classes 的静态方法,所有这些仍然继承自基本类型。
我觉得最有可能做到这一点 - 有人能给我建议吗?
在您所描述的意义上,您不能在 C# 中使用 class 作为变量。反射本质上允许您将类型视为变量并动态调用它们的静态成员,但它会很混乱并且不安全。
interface IDoSomething
void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo();
class DoSomething : IDoSomething
private DoSomething() {}
internal static readonly IDoSomething Instance;
static DoSomething()
Instance = new DoSomething();
public void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You asked the abstract class to work. Too bad.");
class InspireMe : IDoSomething
private InspireMe() {}
internal static readonly IDoSomething Instance;
static InspireMe()
Instance = new InspireMe();
public void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You are amazing.");
class InsultMe : IDoSomething
private InsultMe() {}
internal static readonly IDoSomething Instance;
static InsultMe()
Instance = new InsultMe();
public void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You aren't worth it.");
class Program
static void Main()
IDoSomething worker = InsultMe.Instance;
worker = InspireMe.Instance;
C# 和 Java 都不能让您覆盖静态基 class 方法。
但是,您似乎正在使用对对象的引用(您的 worker
变量),那么为什么不使用非静态 class 方法呢?
我不是 100% 确定这就是您想要的,但我写了一个模拟 Prototypal inheritance in C#.
的库public class Foo: ProtoObject {}
public class Bar: Foo {}
dynamic myFoo = new Foo();
dynamic yourFoo = new Foo();
dynamic myBar = new Bar();
myFoo.Prototype.Name = "Josh";
myFoo.Prototype.SayHello = new Action(s => Console.WriteLine("Hello, " + s));
yourFoo.SayHello(myBar.Name); // 'Hello, Josh'
这当然涉及大量使用 dynamic
类 除了实例之外,您真正想要的是对具有特定签名的方法的引用,在您的情况下 void ()
虽然不能将静态 class 分配给变量,但可以以类型安全的方式将方法分配给变量。在 C# 中,您通常会使用 Action
or Func
为了让它更有趣一点,假设您想要引用类似 int Foo(string, bool)
的内容,只需使用 Func<string,bool,int>
class DoSomething
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You asked the abstract class to work. Too bad.");
class InspireMe
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You are amazing.");
class InsultMe
static void DoWhateverItIsThatIDo()
Console.WriteLine("You aren't worth it.");
class Program
static void Main()
Action worker = InsultMe.DoWhateverItIsThatIDo;
worker = InspireMe.DoWhateverItIsThatIDo;
一种变通方法可能是在基本抽象 class 中声明类型 Action
的 属性,它包含要调用的方法。然后在派生 classes 实例化期间初始化此 属性,方法是调用基 class 构造函数:
abstract class DoSomething
public Action DoWhateverItIsThatIDo { get; set; }
protected DoSomething() { DoWhateverItIsThatIDo = DoSomething.DoIt; }
protected DoSomething(Action whatAction)
DoWhateverItIsThatIDo = whatAction;
protected static void DoIt()
Console.WriteLine("You asked the abstract class to work. Too bad.");
class InspireMe : DoSomething
public InspireMe() : base(InspireMe.DoIt) { }
private static void DoIt()
Console.WriteLine("You are amazing.");
class InsultMe : DoSomething
public InsultMe() : base(InsultMe.DoIt) { }
private static void DoIt()
Console.WriteLine("You aren't worth it.");
class DoWhatBaseClassDoes : DoSomething
public DoWhatBaseClassDoes() : base() {}
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DoSomething worker = new InsultMe();
worker = new InspireMe();
// In this case base class method is invoked
worker = new DoWhatBaseClassDoes();