如何在 vuex store 中存储 nuxtjs 动态生成的路由

How to store nuxtjs dynamically generated routes in vuex store

我试图通过创建一个静态网站来利用 nuxtjs SSG 功能,其中页面内容和导航是从 API.


我已经找到了如何通过定义一个模块来动态生成路由的方法,在该模块中我使用 generate:before 挂钩来获取页面内容和路由。创建路由时,我将页面内容存储为路由负载。以下代码就是这样做的,并且按预期工作。


const generator = function () {
  //Before hook to generate our custom routes
  this.nuxt.hook('generate:before', async (generator, generatorOptions) => {
    generator.generateRoutes(await generateDynamicRoutes())

let generateDynamicRoutes = async function() {
  return routes

export default generator

现在我面临的问题是我有一些导航组件需要生成的路线,我想将它们存储到 vuex 商店中。

我尝试了 generate:done 钩子,但我不知道如何从那里获取 vuex 存储上下文。我最终使用的是 nuxtServerInit() 操作,因为如文档中所述:

If nuxt generate is ran, nuxtServerInit will be executed for every dynamic route generated.



export const actions = {
  nuxtServerInit (context, nuxtContext) {
    context.commit("dynamicRoutes/addRoute", nuxtContext)


export const state = () => ({
  navMenuNivel0: {}

export const mutations = {
  addRoute (state, { ssrContext }) {
    //Ignore static generated routes
    if (!ssrContext.payload || !ssrContext.payload.entrada) return
    //If we match this condition then it's a nivel0 route
    if (!ssrContext.payload.navMenuNivel0) {
      console.log(JSON.stringify(state.navMenuNivel0, null, 2));
      //Store nivel0 route, we could use url only but only _id is guaranteed to be unique
      state.navMenuNivel0[ssrContext.payload._id] =  {
        url: ssrContext.url,
        entrada: ssrContext.payload.entrada,
        navMenuNivel1: []
      console.log(JSON.stringify(state.navMenuNivel0, null, 2));
      //Nivel1 route
    } else { 

export const getters = {
  navMenuNivel0: state => state.navMenuNivel0

确实调用了操​​作,我得到了所有预期值,但是似乎每次调用 nuxtServerInit() 时,商店状态都会重置。我在控制台中打印了这些值(因为我不确定是否可以调试它)它们看起来像这样:

  "5fc2f4f15a691a0fe8d6d7e5": {
    "url": "/A",
    "entrada": "A",
    "navMenuNivel1": []
  "5fc2f5115a691a0fe8d6d7e6": {
    "url": "/B",
    "entrada": "B",
    "navMenuNivel1": []


我的想法是只向 API 发出一个请求(在构建期间),将所有内容存储在 vuex 中,然后在组件和页面中使用该数据。

要么有更好的方法,要么我没有完全掌握 nuxtServerInit() 操作。我被卡住了,不知道如何解决这个问题,也看不到其他解决方案。



想法是将API请求数据存储在一个静态文件中。然后创建一个插件来拥有一个公开 API 数据和一些函数的 $staticAPI 对象。

我使用了 build:before 挂钩,因为它在 generate:beforebuilder:extendPlugins 之前运行,这意味着在路由生成或插件创建发生时,我们已经有了 API 数据已存储。


const generator = function () {
  //Add hook before build to create our static API files
  this.nuxt.hook('build:before', async (plugins) => {
    //Fetch the routes and pages from API
    let navMenuRoutes = await APIService.fetchQuery(QueryService.navMenuRoutesQuery())
    let pages = await APIService.fetchQuery(QueryService.paginasQuery())
    //Cache the queries results into staticAPI file
    APIService.saveStaticAPIData("navMenuRoutes", navMenuRoutes)
    APIService.saveStaticAPIData("pages", pages)
  //Before hook to generate our custom routes
  this.nuxt.hook('generate:before', async (generator, generatorOptions) => {
    generator.generateRoutes(await generateDynamicRoutes())

//Here I can't find a way to access via $staticAPI
let generateDynamicRoutes = async function() {
  let navMenuRoutes = APIService.getStaticAPIData("navMenuRoutes")


import APIService from '../services/APIService'

let fetchPage = function(fetchUrl) {  
  return this.pages.find(p => { return p.url === fetchUrl})

export default async (context, inject) => {
  //Get routes and files from the files
  let navMenuRoutes = APIService.getStaticAPIData("navMenuRoutes")
  let pages = APIService.getStaticAPIData("pages")
  //Put the objects and functions in the $staticAPI property
  inject ('staticAPI', { navMenuRoutes, pages, fetchPage })

将 save/load 数据写入文件的 API 服务助手:

let fs = require('fs');

let saveStaticAPIData = function (fileName = 'test', fileContent = '{}') {
  fs.writeFileSync("./static-api-data/" + fileName + ".json", JSON.stringify(fileContent, null, 2));

let getStaticAPIData = function (fileName = '{}') {
  let staticData = {};

  try {
      staticData = require("../static-api-data/" + fileName + ".json");
  } catch (ex) {}

  return staticData;

module.exports = { fetchQuery, apiUrl, saveStaticAPIData, getStaticAPIData }


build: {
  //Enable 'fs' module
  extend (config, { isDev, isClient }) {
     config.node = { fs: 'empty' }
plugins: [
  { src: '~/plugins/staticAPI.js', mode: 'server' }
buildModules: [