Android studio 无法安装 - 无法获取 addons_list-2.xml
Android studio cannot install - Failed to fetch addons_list-2.xml
正在尝试在 OSX 10.0 Yosemite 上安装 Android Studio,它在向导 'Downloading Components' 中卡住了
Refresh Sources:
Failed to fetch URL,
Fetched Add-ons List successfully
Refresh Sources
Failed to fetch URL,
reason: File not found
'.android' 您主目录中的文件夹只能由 root 更改。
运行 终端中的这个:
sudo chmod a+rwx ~/.android && sudo chmod a+rwx ~/.android/*
正在尝试在 OSX 10.0 Yosemite 上安装 Android Studio,它在向导 'Downloading Components' 中卡住了
Refresh Sources:
Failed to fetch URL,
Fetched Add-ons List successfully
Refresh Sources
Failed to fetch URL,
reason: File not found
'.android' 您主目录中的文件夹只能由 root 更改。
运行 终端中的这个:
sudo chmod a+rwx ~/.android && sudo chmod a+rwx ~/.android/*