锐化不起作用 - 如何正确地对 Pixel8(Word8) 整数值进行数学运算? - Haskell 中的卷积图像处理

Sharpening doesn't work - How to properly do math on Pixel8(Word8) integer values? - Convolution Image Processing in Haskell

我正在尝试使用 JuicyPixels 在 Haskell 中制作清晰度过滤器。而且我已经制作了相同的高斯模糊函数并且它工作正常,但那个没有。这些 (Int, Int, Int) 元组是我存储负像素值的解决方法。 T 表示名称中的元组。

pxMultNumT :: (Int, Int, Int) -> Double -> (Int, Int, Int)
pxMultNumT (r, g, b) q =  (m r, m g, m b)
  where m p = floor $ fromIntegral p * q

pxPlusT :: (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
pxPlusT (r1, g1, b1) (r2, g2, b2) = (r1 + r2, g1 + g2, b1 + b2)

fromPixelT :: PixelRGBA8 -> (Int, Int, Int)
fromPixelT (PixelRGBA8 r g b a) = (convert r, convert g, convert b)

toPixelT :: (Int, Int, Int) -> PixelRGBA8 
toPixelT (r,g,b) = PixelRGBA8 (fromInteger $ toInteger r) (fromInteger $ toInteger g) (fromInteger $ toInteger b) 255

sharpen :: Image PixelRGBA8 -> Image PixelRGBA8 
sharpen img@Image {..} = generateImage blurrer imageWidth imageHeight
       where blurrer x y | x >= (imageWidth - offset) || x < offset
                          || y >= (imageHeight - offset) || y < offset = whitePx
                         | otherwise = do
                let applyKernel i j p | j >= matrixLength = applyKernel (i + 1) 0 p
                                      | i >= matrixLength = toPixelT p 
                                      | otherwise = do 
                                         let outPixelT = pxMultNumT
                                                            (fromPixelT (pixelAt img (x + j - offset) (y + i - offset)))
                                                             (kernel !! i !! j)
                                         applyKernel i (j+1) (outPixelT `pxPlusT` p)
                applyKernel 0 0 (0,0,0)
             kernel = [[   0, -0.5,    0],
                       [-0.5,    3, -0.5],
                       [   0, -0.5,    0]]
             matrixLength = length kernel
             offset = matrixLength `div` 2

这里是输入图像: and output image: 那么,我在这里做错了什么?


sharpen :: Image PixelRGBA8 -> Image PixelRGBA8 
sharpen img@Image {..} = promoteImage $ generateImage blurrer imageWidth imageHeight
       where blurrer x y | x >= (imageWidth - offset) || x < offset
                          || y >= (imageHeight - offset) || y < offset = PixelRGB8 0 0 0
                         | otherwise = do
                let applyKernel i j p | j >= matrixLength = applyKernel (i + 1) 0 p
                                      | i >= matrixLength = normalizePixel p 
                                      | otherwise = do 
                                         let outPixel = pxMultNum
                                                          (promotePixel $ dropTransparency $ pixelAt img (x + j - offset) (y + i - offset))
                                                           (kernel !! i !! j)
                                         applyKernel i (j+1) (pxPlus outPixel p)
                applyKernel 0 0 (PixelRGBF 0 0 0)
             kernel = [[ -1, -1, -1],
                       [-1,   9, -1],
                       [ -1, -1, -1]]
             matrixLength = length kernel
             offset = matrixLength `div` 2

pxPlus :: PixelRGBF -> PixelRGBF -> PixelRGBF
pxPlus (PixelRGBF r1 g1 b1) (PixelRGBF r2 g2 b2) = PixelRGBF (r1 + r2) (g1 + g2) (b1 + b2)

pxMultNum :: PixelRGBF -> Float -> PixelRGBF 
pxMultNum (PixelRGBF r g b) q = PixelRGBF (r * q) (g * q) (b * q)

normalizePixel :: PixelRGBF -> PixelRGB8 
normalizePixel (PixelRGBF r g b) = PixelRGB8 (n r) (n g) (n b)
  where n f = floor $ 255 * f


您问题的简短回答是使用 DoubleFloat 而不是使用每个通道的积分精度。除了这种溢出问题,你什么也得不到。将 [0, 255] 范围缩放到 [0.0, 1.0] 应该是开始图像处理之前的第一步。

请参阅 您的其他问题,了解有关您应该如何改进实施的更多详细信息。这也是这个问题的正确解决方案:

import Data.Massiv.Array as A
import Data.Massiv.Array.Unsafe (makeStencil)
import Data.Massiv.Array.IO as A

sharpenImageF :: (ColorModel cs Float) => Image S cs Float -> Image S cs Float
sharpenImageF = compute . applyStencil padding sharpStencil
    padding = noPadding -- decides what happens at the border
{-# INLINE sharpenImageF #-}

sharpStencil :: (Floating e, ColorModel cs e) => Stencil Ix2 (Pixel cs e) (Pixel cs e)
sharpStencil = makeStencil (Sz2 3 3) (1 :. 1) stencil
    stencil f =                   (-0.5) * f (-1 :. 0)
                - 0.5 * f ( 0 :. -1) + 3 * f ( 0 :. 0) - 0.5 * f ( 0 :. 1)
                                   - 0.5 * f ( 1 :. 0)
    {-# INLINE stencil #-}
{-# INLINE sharpStencil #-}
λ> img <- readImageAuto "4ZYKa.jpg" :: IO (Image S (SRGB 'Linear) Float)
λ> let imgSharpened = sharpenImageF img
λ> imgCropped <- extractM (1 :. 1) (size imgSharpened) img
λ> imgBoth <- appendM 1 imgCropped imgSharpened
λ> let out = convertPixel <$> imgBoth :: Image DL (Y'CbCr SRGB) Word8
λ> writeImage "out.jpg" $ computeAs S out